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Everything posted by JulienActiveMe

  1. Hello! I've been successfully running a VR Arena in Brussels for the last 6 months. The exhibition has now moved to Bahreïn and I'm using the exact same setup. The devices and the router are the same I used in Brussels (Nighthawk RAXE500 and 30 Focus 3 headsets running on 899.684 firmware). Configuration hasn't changed on the router. Batch configuration for the headsets haven't changed either. Before shipping everything to Bahreïn, I cleared the old map from the group the headsets were assigned to, removed the headsets from the group and cleared the map on each device. Upon arriving at the new location, I scanned the new Map with an HMD and connected it to the internet via the router to upload that map to the VADMS, by assigning it to the old group, using the old batch configuration where the 5g and 6g networks of the router are listed. I did not see at the time that my headset connected to the 5G network instead of the 6G. Upon trying to reassign the other headsets to the former group on which I simply updated the map, I noticed that the HMD's could not see the 6G network. I see wifi 6e is not supported yet in Bahreïn. - Could this be the problem? - Is there any way to be able to work around it? - If not, what else could cause the issue? - If nothing can solve the problem, what is the risk of running this VR Arena on a 5G network instead of a 6G? I'm going back home on Monday (2 days from now), so time is of the essence here!! Thanks in advance for your help, I've been stuck on this all day and starting to feel desperate. Julien
  2. Hello, I was wondering if Focus 3 supports UDP Broadcast and / or Multicast protocols. Thanks in advance!
  3. HI @Ben Woodford, I have tried in a new project since I learned a lot in the past few months, and to my surprise, after importing everything (but the scenes) I had a FPS of 90! After importing the 2 first scenes, I was happy to see that they were running at 70-90FPS as well! Now there are a few (much) heavier scenes, and upon spawning in them, FPS started dropping. I had to settle in the previous project to scenes with FPS as low as 20-25. Now the lowest FPS in the new project is about twice as much. So overall nice improvement! It's up to our art team now to optimize the scenes and redo the lighting so we can get to 60FPS at the lowest. Thanks for your answer!
  4. Hello Imel, Didn't try, had a lot more to implement. I might give it a shot again in a few weeks when I get the time. I'll let you know if I make progress. If you get it working in the meantime, would you please be kind enough to let me know how ? Thank you! Julien
  5. Hello, Sometimes, some of my Focus3 return to the HTC Lobby and gets out of the Kiosk mode. It usually happens after a crash of the application running in the kiosk mode. Is it possible that the kiosk mode crashes ? I had the undertanding that this was not supposed to happen, that if my app crashes, the Kiosk mode relaunches it instead of going back to the lobby. Can I prevent this in any way ? Thanks !
  6. Hello @VIVE_chengnay, Nothing seems to be malfunctioning. It's just annoying to have an error popping a few hundred times on a five minute session and not knowing what it is that causes it. Maybe someone knew about this and had an idea for a fix. You never know. Thanks
  7. Hello, I have this error that keeps popping up in Unity, when a HMD is connected via Netcode and [EGL] Unable to acquire context: EGL_BAD_SURFACE: An EGLSurface argument does not name a valid surface (window, pixel buffer or pixmap) configured for GL rendering. OpenGLS3 is required because it will not build if Vulkan is selected. Can anyone tell me what exactly it is related to and where I should look for to optimise this ? Thanks !
  8. Hello @Tony PH Lin Thank you for your answer, I'll have a look today ! Yes, I am building for Android and playing directly in the HMD, no streaming. We ruled out streaming because we thought it would require a huge server with too much GPU. But maybe it could be the right choice after all ? It has been difficult for me to find the info about a typical setup for this. Could you give me a recommendation of a typical setup that could run the app on 25 HMD's simultaneously ? Network-wise, I read on the forum that I need to use Netgear Nighthawk RAXE500 but it also said that I can't put more than 5 HMD's on one WAP. The thing is, those routers can only provide 1 (wifi 6) WAP. Should I get 5 to respect the recommendations ? What would be the steps in unity to port from standalone to streaming ? Thank you very much, Julien
  9. Hello, I am having really bad performance with the focus 3 using unity. I am checking the FPS in an empty scene, (I only have 2 small planes (a ground and a wall) and the default skybox from unity, one directional light). I am using a simple prefab with no hands or controller. All WaveXrSettings are set to default. I am running at 40 fps. When I add the hands, and some unity Netcode server-client scripts, I am having the same results. I am using URP - (Balanced mode) Is this a normal FPS rate? It is not a lot to start with. When I run my game, I enter some optimized 3D scenes and it drops to just below 20fps, which is clearly not enough. It feels laggy and I have black bars on the edge of the screen in the HMD when I turn my head. I tried : baking occlusion culling baking all the lights in scene (still have to use a couple of mixed lights and at least one dynamic light) lowering ResolutionScale in WaveXRSettings In urp settings : lowered shadow resolution to 1024 disabled anti-aliaising Doing all this doesn't seem to help much, still around 20 fps. I have to be able to run my eperience with 25 HMD's in a 200m² room. I haven't had the chance to test with more than 5 HMD's at once but I fear that it will drop even more as the number of connected HMD's will rise. Is there a max recommended Tris / Verts for a scene to render ? (note that having to render 2.9k triangles / 5.8k vertices gives me already a low 40FPS) Did I miss anything? Do you have any tips / documentation as to how to improve the overall performance ? Thanks in advance !
  10. Actually, I do have to do this in the update method private void Update() { if (!IsOwner) return; var hmdPose = VRModule.GetCurrentDeviceState(0); if (!hmdPose.isPoseValid) return; } If not, I spawn at Y = 0 and stay there. Is that a bug of some kind ? Anyway, it's working now, thanks !
  11. Okay, It's too late for me to change it all. I'll think about leaving the camera out of the PlayerPrefab on V2 if needed. But I added the VIU, and tried to update my position using the HMD pose. Actually, I realized that just adding the VIU helped get the Y position, I do not need to update the position. Very strange to me, but this is now a closed case for me. Thank you very much for your help !!
  12. Okay so you have no camera on your PlayerPrefab is that right ?
  13. No, correction = I just set the height to a certain value (1.6) because I do not want it to be 0. So => OnNetworkSpawn() since my Y = 0, I set it to 1.6 Once this position is set, I assume it will be shared to all the other clients that will connect from now on. But why is my height = 0 when I spawn ? X and Y are good, why not Y ? In my PlayerPrefab, the parent game object's position is set to 0;0;0 as well as the playerCamera (child object containing the camera and TrackedPoseDriver).
  14. Exactly. In the LBSS (VADMS) Batch configuration of the group my device belongs to I can put a delay for the HMD to go to sleep after a certain inactivity. For now, the lowest possible value is 3 minutes. This means that after my user takes of the headset, and puts it back in the rack, it will take 3 minutes before going to sleep mode. 3 minutes is a lot, is there a way I can put the HMD to sleep from script?
  15. Ok, now I understand. But this doesn't seem natural. Anyways, could you please tell me if this is possible ? Thank you !
  16. No. Actually, it doesn't make sense. When my first client spawn, I correct it's height. It's new height will now be shared with everyone. So when a second client spawns, the position of the first client seems allright, but I think that was due to correction I made when it spawned. The variations are ok (When I duck or jump, the Y axis value is following my movement).
  17. Hello, I am developping a multiplayer VR experience using unity, unity Netcode for game objects and LBE. When my client spawns on the network, the position (x and z) is correct. However, the Y axis value stays at 0 so I spawn on the ground. For now, I have to set a value for this Y axis but I don't like it, because it does not fit all the player's height. The other client's avatar in the game seem to be positioned at the right height though. Is it a known issue ? SDK version 5.3.2 Unity version 2021.3.11 Netcode version 1.5.2 Thanks in advance !
  18. Hello @chengnay, Thanks for your response. My version of the SDK is 5.3.2. I tried putting some code in the OnApplication pause like you suggested. I only get the event when the HMD is waking up, not going to sleep. I managed to find a workaround, but I don't like it. It does fit my purpose however and I'm limited in time so I'll keep it for now. There is a unity package called PA Proximity that detects the proximity of the sensor inside the HMD. https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/pa-proximity-25685 The prinicple is simple, just subscribe to to the event of the change of the status of the proximity sensor and do what you want when you get it. Is there a way to put the HMD to sleep from a script though ? For now, I do Application.Quit() when I gete the event, but the HMD stays awake for three more minutes before going to sleep (3 minutes is the lowest value you can set in the LBE settings). I find it a bit annoying to use a third party package to be able to manage this. Anyway, it fits my needs and I'll go with it for now.
  19. Hello, @chengnay I'm trying to listen to this WVR_EventType_RenderingToBePaused event by putting this line in a monobehavior in the OnEnable() function, just like it is recommended in the documentation (https://hub.vive.com/storage/app/doc/en-us/UnityXR/UnityXREvents.html) I'm expecting it to be fired when the player takes the HMD off and the staff presses the back button of the HMD. WVR_EventType_RenderingToBePaused = 1010 Notification for the rendering is going to be paused due to user take off HMD and display off. Event is NOT fired. (I tried using WVR_EventType_DeviceDisconnected but it seems to be deprecated in the last version of the sdk) I can catch the WVR_EventType_ButtonPressed event however, so I really think there has to be something wrong somewhere. I tried checking the CommonUsages.UserPresence like so : private void GetUserPresence() { InputDevice headDevice = InputDevices.GetDeviceAtXRNode(XRNode.Head); if (headDevice.isValid) headDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.userPresence, out userPresent); } but it always returns true, disregarding the fact that the HMD is on or off. How can I catch the event of the HMD going to sleep, or the user taking off the HMD ? Am I doing something wrong here ? It seems such a basic feature why is it so complicated to get right ? Thanks in advance !
  20. Hi, Does unity 2022.x.xfx support WAVEXR ? thanks!
  21. Thank you all for these answers. I managed to add the Hand Interaction Profile. I will test later with the colliders / rigidbodies solution suggested by @Alex_HTC. Will let you know
  22. Hello, I am trying to use Focus 3 with open XR. I can do a lot but I am not able to grab objects. I am trying to grab an object from the Hands Demo Scene (XR Interaction toolkit 2.3.2 package + Hands Interaction Demo ==> Hands Demo Scene) - What am I missing ? - Why Is the grab action ( or pinch ) not recognized ? In the OpenXR settings (in Plug-in management) this is what I have: From then, I thought I would go and create a new input action for my focus 3. In the OpenXR - Developer Resources page on the vive documentation, there is a section for hand tracking to interact with objects (https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/openxr-mobile/tutorials/unity/hand-tracking/interact-objects-remotely/) 1) I cannot find the Hand Interaction Profile to add in the project settings > XR Plugin Management > OpenXR 2) I cannot find the Focus 3 in the Input Action device list I suppose this would only show if VIVE Focus 3 Hand Interaction profile is added. Setup : Unity 2021.3.15f I am currently using these packages from the VIVE registry : Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance ! Julien
  23. Thank you !! It did the trick I have a collision !
  24. Upon further investigation and downloading of an in-build collider renderer, I can see that my renderer is stuck in the initial position and not moving with my hands in the build. That would explain why there is no collision, the two colliders do not collide. I would really like to understand why this collider is not moving with the hands in the build. Any help ?
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