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flashing grey screen


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Unfortunatly, The real is more  terrible. According to this (https://community.viveport.com/t5/Technical-Support/Grey-screen-cut-out-after-about-5-mins/m-p/6396) the problem was in 02.2017 , but, according to this 

 and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4qFcb5HhiE  the problem also was in midle of the 2016. So, obviosly i wonder, why for so long time, we still don't have any results of working on this problem.
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in your post all links except the first have a solution and I think they have a problem of another kind (they do not mention about time (5,10,20... min) before the appearance of gray flashes). Only first link (by iDan_UK) is simmilar to my/our issue and it not solved.


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I highly doubt that. As most of us hasn't change anything before the greyouts started... If it were for a software... they should have been much much more people complaining having this issue ... No one of us is an expert, and there might be a lot of things we don't know, but logically everything leads to hardware issue. 

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I have been talking with idanUK and he solved his problem. It was a combination of his wifi and USB drivers. He got his helmet replaced and the problem wasn't solved. He got a new USB card he recommended to me. My problem was not solved. His neither was until he also replace his wifi. It was an interaction of both factors not only one.



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Well... it's a mistery , cause I don't even use wifi ... I'm hooked up to my stationary PC with LAN cable ???? And USB drivers suddenly became an issue ? after 3-4 months of use ? Plus I bet we are all on different MOBO's ... or at least We can't be all with same manufacturer. ? I don't know what to think anymore 

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I have WiFi, but it is disabled. I also use wired LAN. I am just saying that may be there are different factors whose combination produces not only one but a set of factors that act as a cause for this problem. So it may be very difficult to track.


So I think HTC would need to debug on each of our PCs. I would be glad to install any kind of debugger or monitor in my PC to track the issue, or just activate an option on VIVE soft if provided.


But I would like to know what is HTC doing to track the problem. We are been given no information and that is starting to worry me.


I also have a Pimax 4K headset and let Pimax support personnel access my PC via Teamviewer in order to help them diagnose a problem when anything else failed. They did and they solved it. While HTC headset is far superior (and more expensive) I would like to have such a level of support or at least being informed about their methodology dealing with this issue.

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