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Vive Software Not Installing


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I run the ViveSw.exe and it goes through the installation but when it reaches the end and I click run viveport nothing happens and I can't find viveport anywhere on my pc

please help me do this because I don't wanna miss out on the content that's on viveport

thanks in advance

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It will be called, simply "Vive" when you search for it on your PC.

If you can't find it, here are a couple of things to check:

1. Anti-virus software is disabled or whitelisting Vive software

2. Running as administrator when you install
3. Install path you're using

Thank you,

-John C

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I've searched for vive on my pc and all i find is vive dashboard which brings up steam vr. I installed it using administrator and to the default location (C:\Program Files (x86)\ViveSetup). My antivirus says nothing when running the installer and I have installed it once before and it worked. I then tried to move it over to my D drive because I had no space on the C drive. this caused the software to stop working so I reinstalled it then onto the D drive and it would not work. so I then reinstalled it to the default location and it still does not work.

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I am also having a problem with Viveport, but earlier in the chain.

After selecting the location for the installation of the Vive software, and clicking install, the application hangs. 

This happens if I use the default directory or not. I have noticed that an 'Updater' vive application starts, but doesn't do anything (even after leaving for 30 mins). 

If i try running the Viveport installer again (with the Updater still running), the install fails immediately with a "Couldn't download Vive Software" error. If I kill the updater app and start again, the system hangs again.

I have tried running without anti-virus / firewall and as Admin, but no difference. 

Looking at the log file in the ViveSetup folder, the last line in the log is always:

" [Downloader] Register updater:  "C:/Program Files (x86)/ViveSetup/Updater/Updater.exe" "-install VIVE Software C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ViveSetup" (D)"


I am using Windows 10 64bit professional edition, Steam is working correctly and VR seems to be running flawlessly. Anybody got any suggestions?


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The PC has all AV turned off at the moment, and no difference. Is there any special firewall port needed in my router??? I am at a loss right now! 

I have not experienced this problem with other software.

Is there an alternative way to access the Viveport software?


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