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Vive Software Not Installing


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For some reason the download only gets to 5.57 mb and then asks me to sign into my HTC account even though i already am. Twice it's made it to 3% which was about 8 mb.

Must we really go through all of this ?  I've noticed the same problem with other users and you don't seem to be able to help them ..   they just get lucky eventually..  could'nt you just bundle the software to save these issues ?  Or maybe dropbox it or use a cloud. 

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We're constantly working to improve our software. Unfortunately, something like dropbox wouldn't work for our purposes. That's not really a scalable solution for deploying our client.


These posts help us a lot, we can send these to our engineers and help them develop better experiences for the user.

We've posted some possible fixes. Did any of that work for you?


-John C

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You have no fixes ...  that is the fundamental issue here.  People are just getting lucky with their own work arounds and software fixes, you've helped nobody on this thread. Any software that requires me to open my computer to danger by turning off all security is a worry for a start ..  and then of course i have to wonder what is in your software that requires me to do that. After reading some more on this topic and realising that this problem is more common than i thought, i've now resigned to the fact that i'll have to bypass your software and just hook the hardware up and try to use it through Steam directly..  seems the only way i'll be able to use the equipment that i just spent a thousand dollars on that doesn't even come with bundled software.


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I understand your frustration. Many of the issues are unrelated to the Vive software itself. There are millions of pieces of software in active use out there. No one could account for all of them. Sometimes it's security or anti-virus software that prevents it from working. Other times the user account isn't permissioned highly enough. It could be another niche software suite that's interfering or any number of things. There are no easy solutions to troubleshooting the software. We're doing our best to help and collect data on what's going on so we can improve both our software and the support process in the future. There's no requirement to use our software bundle with Vive. It will run perfectly well through SteamVR.

Thank you,

-John C

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My frustration is just that..  frustration ..   i'll get over it as will everyone..  and i understand all of what you wrote in regards to software issues and permissioning and all the other small things that can cause problems with the millions of pc's and their intricacies. What i don't understand is why you couldn't just throw in the software on a disc..  once the basic software is on the pc i'm sure future updates would be no problem from your site.

Anyway i'm off to try the setup without your software just like many, many others.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Hi Scottsmeester,

That looks like a different issue than the software not downloading. Can you explain what's going on? You launch Viveport and you get a white screen?

Have you uninstalled and reinstalled it yet? Did you remove all five Vive sw components during the uninstall?

Thank you,

-John C

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  • 2 months later...

Sounds like I'm having the same issue.
I try to download, get through the first couple screens then it says I need to sign in.  I click the link to sign in but nothing happens. I believe it's right about here
"[2018-04-08 16:04:26.080] [pSw01] Calculate est time, downloadState: viveWaitToSign (D)(qrc:/pSw01.qml:389)
[2018-04-08 16:04:28.940] [AccountManagerCallbackProxy]callback : 4 (D)
[2018-04-08 16:04:29.353] "[HtcSignin] Received return code: 4" (D)
[2018-04-08 16:04:29.353] [HtcSignin] :: checkAccounts :: Check whether we have added account successfully (D)
[2018-04-08 16:04:29.353] [HtcSignin] Get accounts from Account Manager (D)
[2018-04-08 16:04:29.365] [HtcSignin] Done (D)
[2018-04-08 16:04:29.365] [sWManager] onSigninHtcDone() (D)
[2018-04-08 16:04:33.551] [ViveDetect] Releasing (D)
[2018-04-08 16:04:33.551] [VrMonitor] Releasing (D)
[2018-04-08 16:04:33.552] [sWManager] Releasing (D)
[2018-04-08 16:04:33.554] QWaitCondition: Destroyed while threads are still waiting (W)
[2018-04-08 16:04:33.554] [CustomWindow] Releasing (D)
[2018-04-08 16:04:33.554] [GraphicsChecker] Releasing (D)"
Not sure what is going on but i have yet to read a solution. I've chatted with 3 reps so far to no avail.

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Has there been any progress on this? I am having the exact same trouble as mentioned by this group and others online. I've disabled the firewall, the antivirus.  It downloads to 1%, then asks to sign in and then nothing, then the sign in box pops back up, over and over, but downloading never continues. I talked to tech support online yesterday, they weren't familiar with the issue and we went through all the same things. 

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I had a similar issue and had to change to a Windows administrator user. Once I did that the login box actually let me log in and the software installed. Just typing in an admin’s password is not enough, your current user has to be an admin. It’s pretty awful on HTC’s part but at least it worked.

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