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Simulator - how do you use it?


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Installed SImulator APK onto Focus but how do you use it? 


A yellow plane appears in Focus with text when you run it but no instructions for use.


Any documentation?

Doesn’t respond to app quit comment (10secs HOME button press)


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You can use "Simulator" as search key word on documentation.


As for Unity version, we suggest you take version before 2018.1.2f1 since we find you might hit black screen when first time launch app on version after 2018.1.2f1 or even 2018.2.x. This symptom can be recovered by suspend/resume once, so you can keep development.

It's under investigation now.


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If you directly open SDK folder, it's on the path: SDK/docs/en/Simulator.html

Or you just use online document website and search from key word.



I also upload simulator.html (only) here if you can't find from both site.


Briefly speaking: 

After you connect HMD via USB, you just need to click menu item on Unity WaveVR to start simulator and click play to get information (Event, HMD/Controller pose, button status ... etc).


Let me know if you'd like to know any more information regarding to simulator.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont get the simulator server running. That is supposed to be in the unity engine right? And I cant find the icon on the focus. Where will I find the icon? Can it be due to some .net framework? I would suppose that I start the simulator. Start my game in unity and the events from the controller and movement of the headset would be the ones used in the game right?

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