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Conflict with controllers

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Hi @oxygen4004,

Sorry about the issue you're currently experiencing. Let me help you resolve this. Could you answer / fulfill the requests below:

  1. Could you describe more in details around the Cosmos shutting down?
    • Does the VIVE Console software close itself?
    • What does the Cosmos headset icon on the VIVE Console show when it is shut down?
    • What does the Cosmos headset icon on the SteamVR show when it is shut down?
    • Is the Headset shutting down when you're running a VR experience? Are you able to play through a VR experience with both controllers on?
  2. Please submit an issue report through your VIVE Console. This will collect your logs and be sent to our Engineering team to further review and identify the root cause. Here are the instructions: 
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Hi stvnxu,

I will explain in my language, in french:

J'ai l'impression que c'est quand les controllers sont chauds que le probleme arrive...

A ce moment la, le casque s'eteint, les controllers aussi,  et tout se rallume ensuite comme si on avait tout debranché et rebranché...

Par contre le jeu VR continue, la console reste ouverte.

Tout si passe comme si le casque etait eteint puis rallumé tout seul.

Qd je ne mets que 1 controller sur ON, celui de droite, a ce moment la, meme chaud tout marche...

Tout cela depuis le 22/10...avt tout marchait tres bien

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1 hour ago, oxygen4004 said:

Tom, I bought new batteries, same issue

SteamVR version 1.7.15

This issue since I update geforce driver on 10/22


I had some problems with that nvidia driver as well and I rolled back to 436.48.

I also opted out of the latest Vive Cosmos beta 1.07 and rolled back to 1.05.

I'm actually using SteamVR Beta 1.8.16.  This Beta is close to final release so it may be work trying it now. 

In your case I suggest you at least roll back your nvida  driver.  You should use DDU to uninstall previous drivers (google how to do this).  Good luck.

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