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Posts posted by VIVE_chengnay

  1. Hi @1099,

    Are you able to provide sample project for further investigation?

    It is hard to get full picture from some screenshots.

    From my understanding as follows,

    You have multiple scenes, and each scene has player prefab(what is in the prefab? ViveCameraRig includes camera and left/right hand?).

    Your app will switch scene by reloading each scene?

    The issue comes after unloading from A scene to B scene?


  2. Hi @HANAMA_JP,

    It is depending on your needs.

    I saw you want to use Unity's Input System.

    If your project can switch to SteamVR's Input System, that's also possible.

    Switching to SteamVR's Input System, is your previous problem still exists?

    On 7/2/2023 at 6:16 PM, HANAMA_JP said:

    However, I have one concern.
    Adding the Steam VR_Tracked Object (Script) Component was required to move the Cube with the Tracker's Position and Rotation.
    Is this correct?

    I also tried with InputSystem only, but I couldn't get the Tracker's Position/Rotation.
      Action Type: value
      Control Type: Vector3 / Quaternion
    Binding Path : devicePosition[XYZ HTC Vive Tracker (OpenXR)]
                               /deviceRotatio[XYZ HTC Vive Tracker (OpenXR)]

    And, I also see that you have VIU installed which helps you do cross-platform.


  3. Hi @cluelou,

    Your apk includes 3 min of video? That's why it gets so large?

    I suggest that you might need to retrieve video from storage instead of pack them into apk.

    This way, your apk is lightweight and not too large.

    You might need to do some research on how to read files from storage.

    Here is some information regarding how to grant permission.

    Feel free to ask questions if you have any.

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