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Everything posted by dario

  1. Are you also seeing a similar issue with the SteamVR settings popup? Sounds like a file permissions issue - can you share your workaround to help others who may be having a similar issue?
  2. Make sure you can see the popup dialog that asks you save and generate the actions
  3. This has been already added to WaveVR @ArjenVeenhuizen
  4. htcdev.com has the unlockbootloader tool for all HTC Android devices. Again I warn against rooting your device as this will void all warrantys and enterprise support. You should know what you are doing (i.e. have an expert who knows how to replace a bootloader or other partition with one that allows you to root). @henrikvrtraveler
  5. Hi all, this is a basic aspect ratio question - each eye does not get the standard TV/film aspect ratio. What you are seeing is a 1:1 crop of the original circle from one eye to get the most of the original content. Are you asking to crop the top and bottom to better fit the TV aspect ratios e.g. 4:3 or 16:9 (and which would work for you)? This is what you are seeing others doing btw. @Insightful Environments
  6. This is handled by Role mapping in VIU - please check out the UI that's built in to do the mapping (right shift B). https://github.com/ViveSoftware/ViveInputUtility-Unity/wiki/Embedded-Binding-Interface Under the covers it's bound by serialnum - so doesn't matter what order you turn on trackers or if hmd falls asleep etc. No need to deal with device ids You may even map 2 trackers to the same role as a backup tracker to quickly replace at runtime when one runs low on battery. And you can actually physically label the trackers to make it easier. I've seen live performances use 10+ trackers, with the ability to do mapping while the app was running using the role mapping interface. @mgyeung @jboss
  7. Where on your waist did you place the tracker? I'm asking because it's more likely that a waist tracker be occluded than a foot tracker. Do you have a 2 or 4 lighthouse setup? One way to confirm that it's occlusion is if you place an additional tracker on your waist (front and back for instance) does the loss of tracking alternate depending on where you are facing? One way to handle occlusion (using 2 waist trackers) would be to defer to the one that is still tracking, i.e. when tracking is lost (you can get that as a callback) you would switch to the other tracker for your position/rotation - keeping in mind the distance to the body center for accurate IK. @LXVII
  8. There's several ways, one is Texture2D.LoadRawTextureData but more efficient would be Texture2D.setPixels32 (after resizing, converting to argb and mempy in C++) or you can use some utils in libraries like opencvsharp. @Æber
  9. RTX 2080 support was _added_ to SRWorks, SRWorks has been around for some time prior to RTX @Bino1622
  10. As long as you consider all the caveats (e.g. voiding warranty) you could use our unlock bootloader tool for Android devices. @henrikvrtraveler
  11. @mmorselli, Please don't use the Role Changer, that was retired for good reason, the proper way when using SteamVR is to map the input binding "as hand". However you can only use 2 devices as "hands" at a given time (i.e. use of controller equivalent input via the tracker's pins).
  12. Look into how Unity can handle this for you, even 6.1 cubic rendering is handled. For stereo, just make a layer for each eye.
  13. Could also be missing bindings, if using the latest steamvr plugin make sure your build has the binding files in the new location (StreamingAssets) instead of the root folder.
  14. I've used both SteamVR's for cross PC-Mobile without issues - yes there's some namespace clashes that can be fixed manually with the 1.x plugin, but you should not have any issues with the develop branch of VIU from github and Steam (latest Steam beta plugin is still being tested). No longer need to change any settings other than VIU Settings now. @ben-FLOAT
  15. Hi, @MacBread, Tutorials are dated, there's now support for both cameras not just with SRWorks but with the OpenVR API as well (though I haven't checked if the SteamVR Unity plugin has been updated) - I plan to get back to this via OpenVR for Vive Pro however I do recommend that using SRWorks will be the easier route. One approach is to take the textures or the quads from one or both of the eyes and simply move them to the object you want to project on. Currently the best way to learn how the SRWorks framework works is to use the inspector during runtime to see how it's laid out and then you'll know what parts to use or copy. I do plan to get to new tutorials - please feel free to ask for help on getting started on the SRWorks SDK forum best, Dario
  16. Yes, the sample will be updated to both latest SRWorks and Unity shortly, sorry for the inconvenience. Support for older versions of SRWorks will probably be dropped.
  17. Hi @Greg Corson, were you able to figure out delaying pose data? I would collect the poses (maybe a circular queue) and simply play them back on a model that's not attached to the live poses.
  18. Hi, Miracast is the supported streaming protocol - so no, Chromecast won't work currently. There are inexpensive Miracast dongles (tested and works) or you can cast to a PC and then from there cabst to whichever display you can from the PC. best, Dario
  19. When they updated the rom to suport Go they broke all unpublished apps because you now need to add to the Android Manifest: <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.vr.headtracking" android:version="1" android:required="true"/>
  20. Have you tried placing a green sphere resized to the depth you want and centered to follow the camera?
  21. Today we are announcing to developers an early access release of the Vive Hand Tracking SDK for the Vive, Vive Pro and the Vive Focus (Wave platform). This SDK will provide the ability to track your hands, recognize gestures and on the Vive and Vive Pro track your fingers as well (21 point tracking). For more info please attend the sessions at GDC on Vive Developer Day, Monday March 18. Or just try out the SDK available now here: https://developer.vive.com/resources/
  22. Can you share the android manifest snippet ? Normally adding to the manifest prevents the dialog from appearing. Note to all: This is more of a reminder than a build error - you can safely ignore (close) while developing. This is used by the store and thus is very important to add before publishing so that your application gets listed in the appropriate sections. The recommendation is to do your best to support both 3DOF and 6DOF controller(s) for wider reach.
  23. Does not work with Experience demos which require the SteamVR Unity plugin. The core package doesn't require the SteamVR Unity plugin
  24. Hi Tobias, This isn't specific to wireless, it's whenever you lose tracking. It freezes because the camera feed is dependent on tracking (head pose). Notice that even in steamvhsettings you can't preview the cameras until tracking works.
  25. Getting Started with VIVE Wave™ for Unity Developers (updated!) First download the Wave SDK : Legacy: if not yet on XR Management system (Unity 2019.4 and later e.g. if still on Unity 2018) https://developer.vive.com/resources/vive-wave/sdk/320/ Note: Porting to the VIVE Wave platform General Porting Guides from Daydream (mobile) or from the VIVE to Wave are available here: https://hub.vive.com/storage/app/doc/en-us/PortingGuide.html Please note the following quick guides below focuses on Unity scenes and code and when porting across platforms and devices but also consider graphics (depending on CPU/GPU/RAM etc.) coniderations. If your existing application used the SteamVR APIs directly, note that most of the Wave APIs have a one to one correspondence to SteamVR. So if you have a 3rd party framework that wraps SteamVR you should also be able to support the Wave SDK by mapping the APIs as shown in the VIVE porting guide. Porting from other devices using different toolkits like Unity XR Interaction (in preview) for Unity XR plugins like Wave 3.2+ or VIU (Vive Input Utility) which supports both Unity XR Management and legacy should be considered. A Quick Start Guide for developing in Unity: The following are the steps for setting up a scene with the Wave SDK (legacy) , but also see the alternative below it when using the VIU toolkit along with the Wave SDK for cross platform support for either legacy or the new Unity XR Management support. 1) For legacy Unity (pre Wave 3.2): Launch Unity and create a New Project and make sure you Switch Platform to Android in File->Build Settings... (see the getting started guide to setup Android https://hub.vive.com/storage/app/doc/en-us/UnityPluginGettingStart.html) Note: for Wave XR plugin (Unity 2019.4) use the package manager and you can also avoid Android Studio and use the built in Android support. 2) For legacy support: Import wavevr.unitypackage (Assets->Import Package->Custom Package...) 3) For legacy support: From the Project Assets window, drag and drop the WaveVR and ControllerLoader prefabs into your Scene Hierarchy window to create objects in your scene (delete or disable the existing Camera object there’s one already included in WaveVR) For Wave XR plugin support - you can use Unity XR APIs like when using any other XR plugin. 4) For legacy: duplicate the ControllerLoader in your scene (or drag another one in) and select its Type as the left controller in the Inspector window as shown above. At this point it’s up to you how to handle a second controller’s inputs (or simply handle it the same as the first) For Wave XR plugin, see samples included with the packages. 5) from File->Build Settings.., select Build and Run (make sure device is attached via USB and Developer settings on the device allows for USB debugging) VIU (more below) can use a simulator when developing for all platforms. Note if at any time you get prompted by a WaveVR plugin popup window to accept preferred settings, simply accept unless you have a good reason not to. You can safely dismiss the AndroidManifest related popup for now until you are ready to publish on Viveport (this is for indicating 3DOF vs 6DOF or both). At this point you should be able to see your empty scene with your controller on your Wave device ! Alternative Quick Start Using the VIU (Vive Input Utility) Unity plugin: There is also an additional Unity plugin for developing VR projects that can target multiple platforms and devices and is highly recommended especially for new projects or projects that don’t require extensive use of the Wave SDK APIs (although you can access both APIs at once). The Vive Input Utility: This is a Unity plugin that can support Vive, Vive Pro, Rift, Daydream, Go, Quest and the Wave SDK (e.g. Focus and Focus Plus) in addition to Unity’s XR APIs which in turn can support Windows MR and more. This is an abstraction that wraps other SDKs like the Wave SDK creating a common code base for many platforms. It’s available on the Unity Asset Store (search for VIU) or at https://github.com/ViveSoftware Steps to create the same application but using the VIU plugin: 1) Launch Unity and create a New Project and import VIU (Vive Input Utility) from the Unity Asset Store or package manager (or github) 2) Drag and drop the ViveCameraRig (or the ViveRig for additional features) into your scene and remove the existing Camera object (there is a camera already included in ViveRig) 3) Build and Run VIU Note: Since these prefabs also support other platforms you already get 2 controller support (in addition to falling back to single controller). The ViveRig adds controller support for teleporting, grabbing and toggling controller models and can be easily modified in the Inspector when ViveRig->ViveControllers is selected in the scene. Note: VIU will step through obtaining the latest Wave 4.x packages via the Package Manager when you select Wave as the target in VIU Settings (in Preferences). These settings will wrap selecting the target in XR Management settings. Support is provided at the official developer forum for the Wave SDK: http://community.viveport.com/t5/Vive-Wave-SDK/bd-p/vive-wave-sdk and VIU: https://forum.vive.com/forum/72-vive-input-utility/
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