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Overall bad


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There has been nothing but issues since day 1.

Connected with usb and saying connected with usb, but still show error - not connected with usb
Connected with wifi and saying connected with wifi, but still show error - not connected with wifi

Comfort is horrible.
Glasses mode gives huge head issue on contact point after short amout of usage
Top strap included in the box is a joke, it re-adjust itself as it please and give little to no help other than beeing a extra step to annoy over
Battery mode gives better balance maby, bot any wai i try to wear it, it puts alot of pressure on forehead and gives pain..

both glasses and battery mode puts pressure on the top of the nose and almost makes it impossible to breath via nose
textile on the pad between glasses and face feels like sandpaper.. 

So as of now, un usable and waste of money... 

How would you fix that? refund?

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  • 1 month later...

I like the XR Elite but HTC needs to educate new users much better on how to optimally wear the headset cause it took me a couple weeks to consistently place it on my head comfortably.

I really think that a bigscreen beyond style facial interface, printed from face scan data, would complete the headset. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It certainly takes some patience and experimentation.

I bought it specifically for glasses mode as I can no longer use my VIVE 1 or INDEX due to medical reasons. 

To get over the glasses pain issue I had to manufacture a head band to cushion it. An option to get alternate less 'grippy' arms  as suggested by Calcanuck would be great.

I have also had to create velcro fixings to hold the cable as the official streaming cable doesn't fit into the cable retainer on the glasses?!  Shouldn't have to do these home made mods though!

On the software side - I think issues are/ will be sorted out. The latest release is a good sstep forward.

Finally on the issue of video, I am watching using BIGSCREEN BETA and the headset is fine.

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