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[vive elite unity wave sdk ] How do I save eye tracking data in csv?


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I am developing with Vive Elite and would like to get a log file in csv from an apk file built using unity wave SDK.

Unity Editor Version 2021.3.29

Wave 5.6.0 

I am developing on Vive Elite and would like to output data in csv from an apk file built using unity wave SDK.

I copy the apk file to the internal storage of the vive elite and play it on the vive elite.

What I want to output is the timestamp, pupil diameter and eye oppeness.
Attached is a script I have already created.
The application worked fine and I could see the eye information in TextMeshPro. However, the csv is not saved anywhere.
Thank you in advance for your help.MyTestScript2.cs

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I have referred to this topic and have taken action on android permissions.
I ran the apk on vive elite and only got the popup about permissions once.
Once I allowed it, it never asked me again.

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