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VIVE Eye Tracking at 120hz

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We have kind of the same problem here.
Works at 120hz on an inferior computer than mine. (i5 vs i7 and 970 vs 980)

All my drivers are up to date. Not the case in other computer. Is it possible that there is an regression in gpu update ?

Here a SteamVr system report if it can helps.SteamVR-2021-02-25-PM_02_54_55.txt

Thanks a lot.

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  • 3 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Tony PH Lin said:

Hi All,

The latest SRanipal V1.3.2.0 has been released, and please have a test to verify this issue.




Thanks for your answer.
I made new project on Unity 2020.2.4f1 to test and i have the same result as before.
I use the script Corvus shared in the first page.



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19 hours ago, apellisscot said:

For me the latest SRanipal V1.3.2.0 fixed the issue and I am able to acquire the data at 120 Hz. Many thanks to the dev-team for all the support.

@Damien Deltour: I had to update the runtime as well as the SDK. I'm using Unity 2019. Maybe this helps you...


Oh ! I totally forgot to do that. Works now for me.
Thanks a lot !

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Thanks for the new version.  I managed to get it working in the previous version already and I see that the behaviour is the same. But is is still not straightforward in my baseball application.

I am logging Unity GameObjects (baseball bat and ball) and the gaze and replay them together and I have the option to step through the action frame by frame. I have set the framerate in Unity to 240 fps and logging the gameobjects is done in FixedUpdate. So with eyetracking at 120Hz I expect that the gaze moves every two frames, but it doesn't. Sometimes it's after 2 sometimes it's after 3, and very seldom it's after 1 frame. I remember from the other thread that it might be related to the moment in the cycle when the gazedata is read, but it just feels awkward. It must be running at 120Hz, otherwise the 2 frames jump would not be possible, but it does not seem consistent.

Some feedback about upgrading the runtime: because I start SRanipal together with Windows I got the mesage that SRanipal was running. I quit SRanipal from the tray, but then still SRService was running. The installer gave the option to continue and then upgrade the locked files at restart, but even when I selected that option the installer reversed later in the process with error 10001 (or 1001, don't remember exactly) Service running. Also killing the service using taskmanager made no difference. I had to uninsall SRainpal and then install it again.

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  • 4 months later...
On 3/16/2021 at 5:17 PM, jboss said:

Thanks for the new version.  I managed to get it working in the previous version already and I see that the behaviour is the same. But is is still not straightforward in my baseball application.

I am logging Unity GameObjects (baseball bat and ball) and the gaze and replay them together and I have the option to step through the action frame by frame. I have set the framerate in Unity to 240 fps and logging the gameobjects is done in FixedUpdate. So with eyetracking at 120Hz I expect that the gaze moves every two frames, but it doesn't. Sometimes it's after 2 sometimes it's after 3, and very seldom it's after 1 frame. I remember from the other thread that it might be related to the moment in the cycle when the gazedata is read, but it just feels awkward. It must be running at 120Hz, otherwise the 2 frames jump would not be possible, but it does not seem consistent.

Some feedback about upgrading the runtime: because I start SRanipal together with Windows I got the mesage that SRanipal was running. I quit SRanipal from the tray, but then still SRService was running. The installer gave the option to continue and then upgrade the locked files at restart, but even when I selected that option the installer reversed later in the process with error 10001 (or 1001, don't remember exactly) Service running. Also killing the service using taskmanager made no difference. I had to uninsall SRainpal and then install it again.

I have the same problem. I run my project on Unity 2019.4.2.f1, using SRanipal SDK My desktop computer has a GPU GeForce 3080Ti which supports sampling rate of 240 fps. I followed the previously posted examples here to get the data using Callback function. To check the sampling rate, for each sample I also record the System time in ms. Genrerally, I get data at a sampling rate of 240 Hz (stable ~ 5ms between consecutive samples according to the System timestamps). I expected to consistently have eye data repeating twice since the sampling rate of the eye tracker is 120 Hz. However, when looking at the frame_sequence, sadly the recording of the eye data is not consistent at all: sometimes the frame count jumps 3 frames, sometimes 2, sometimes more or less. So, I end up with a bunch of identical lines of eye data and at the same times loos a lot of frames in between. Any suggestion how to get stably sampled eye data? Highly appreciate it!  

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  • 2 months later...

I noticed that this method for recording eye data doesn't seem to work when Tobii XR SDK is being used. But now I'm in a situation where I'm using some Tobii SDK functions, and also want to record eye data at 120hz. Does anyone have a clue as to the source of conflict between SR Anipal and Tobii SDK?

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