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Everything posted by HackPerception

  1. @Tobias Claren - VR is 100% incompatible with Intel onboard graphics. To my knowledge, the only onboard graphics chip set that's compatible with any sort of VR is the AMD Vega M but even then, it can only first gen HMDs and less complex apps. Rec room is low spec so it might work on a Vega M but overall you can't get a Vive to work on any onboard chipset with the exception of the Vega M. @ola Please see my response here:
  2. @ola - External graphics cards are really hit and miss and I've not many people report a good experience when using VR. PCVR is already kind of challenging to get everything running reliably, adding the external graphics makes it exponentially more easy for something to break. They usually only offer a portion of the full power output of the GPU (usually ~80%) and there are a ton of driver issues and other setup/troubleshooting snags. The cost of the enclosure is also $200-$300 as well so you may more for less performance. In almost all cases, it's going to be better to try and do a budget Nvidia RTX desktop build. You can probably find a cheap 20xx card from someone upgrading to a newer card or try and snag one of the new 3070/3080 cards once stock frees up. You could also try getting a better VR laptop but you can build a really solid VR gaming PC for ~$1000 these days that will outperform laptops twice as expensive and having a gaming PC doubles for so many other uses (media, standard gaming, ect...)
  3. @Chocobo - The bluetooth driver situation is a common sticking point with SteamVR devices. Index users commonly see the same issue, I'd recommend looking at this thread to see some of the more updated troubleshooting steps people are taking (link) In short, some users need to reinstall Win 10 to solve this issue. Some are able to manually uninstall the driver in Window's device manager and then manually reinstall the driver. Some people Deactivate the Bluetooth communication from SteamVR > Settings. Manually install the Bluetooth driver. You can run the installer manually from: /Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/tools/lighthouse/bin/win64/vivebtdriver.exe Power cycle the link-box, re-enable Bluetooth communication within SteamVR, then test the issue You will need to get the bluetooth comms working again to enable basestation power management. Without power management - your basestations will have a shorter lifespan so it's worth troubleshooting this problem, even if it requires you to ultimately use the nuclear option of reinstalling win 10. That said, you can still technically add on the third basestation manually without bluetooth. Basestations ship on ch 1 of 16 be default. On the back of the unit there is a pinhole. While the device is powered on - you can carefully press that button a few times with a paperclip to change the channel to one that's not occupied by your other two stations (which are likely on 1 and 2 if you used auto config). It's a simple index system, starts at Ch 1 and each press increases the nchannel until you hit Ch16 upon which the next button press loops back over to Ch1.
  4. @BammBamm - To use Pro with the Wireless adapter, there is a specific "pro attach kit" that enables the Wireless Adapter to work with Pro. The attach kit was the best option to enable us to create a single base SKU that was forward compatible with Pro and later even Cosmos. The output of the wireless adapter is different than the output from the linkbox - for a variety of engineering reasons it's unfortunately not feasible to use a long tether to connect the wireless adapter to the HMD; it specifically requires the specialized short cable included with the Pro attach kit. https://www.vive.com/us/accessory/vive-pro-wireless-adapter-attachment-kit/ https://www.vive.com/us/accessory/cosmos-wireless-adapter-attachment-kit/
  5. @Kzylorda - We don't advise it because it's riskier and you're more likely to damage the HMD via things like power surges. That said - it's technically possible to do this if you're connecting to a Quickcharge 3.0 (or newer) charging port and have an appropriately rated USB cable (most USB-3 cables typically work). I know alot of developers who do this exact setup. It's very uncommon for a PC motherboard to have integrated QC3.0 ports. You'd almost certainly need to use an external QC3.0 power supply. It must be QC3.0 certified - you'll see this on the marketing
  6. 11.1ms means you're rendering at 90fps which is the native framerate of the headset. If you're greater than 11ms it means that you're under 90fps and the computer has to interpolate/synthesize replacement frames to try and hit an artificial 90fps and that you may see framedrops and stuttering. Around 18ms - you start hitting a point where performance is too low for a smooth VR experience. If you're below 11.1ms - your running at a rock solid 90fps and your computer has "headroom" @Vilhiem "pixel density" isn't really the right term as the pixel density refers to the denisty of pixels on the screen. . He's referring to something called the "Application Render Resolution Multiplier" commonly called "super-sampling". It affects the resolution that your application renders at. You can adjust via Settings -> Video -> Per-Application Video Settings. Going below 100% lowers resolution and improves framerate, going above 100 improves image quality but will decrease your framerate. SteamVR by default tries to automatically adjust this setting but sometimes manually lowering it can solve problems.
  7. @bkfichter - That's actually not on us. Valve manages the SteamVR tracking tech stack including the SteamVR runtime and all of the related UI elements such as roomsetup. They've designed SteamVR to work primarily with a headset and have made certain elements such as roomsetup require a headset (and controllers if not using the developer quick setup). The ownace would be on Valve to create more tooling for HMD-less use-cases and it's not really in the realm of individual OEMs licensing SteamVR tracking because at the end of the day the limitation is the way SteamVR's front-end has been built out. The null-driver is Valve's official methodology to use SteamVR devices without a headset. Via their null driver - you can technically still use SteamVR tracked devices without an HMD but there are some limitations (such as inability to preform roomsetup, inability to use basestation power management) and the fact that you need external watchman-enabled bluetooth dongles to provide the RF backbone between the devices and the PC. The null-driver works just fine technically - there are just known UX limitations (such as lack of roomsetup) hence why HTC considers it an unsupported use-case since there are known UX gaps. More experienced developers can definitely figure out workarounds for things like roomsetup but in many cases, it's faster, cheaper, and overall easier to have an HMD/controllers on hand whenever working with SteamVR tracking - especially when working with Virtual Production because the HMD becomes a window into the virtual scene. If we could add more support for this - we would. SteamVR updates so frequently that building middleware solutions is very hard to maintain as SteamVR updates can be significant and can break things.
  8. @DiamondSteveX. @Bit Space Dann - This is still primarily considered an experimental/developer feature. I know of some location-based apps which have the Vive Hand Tracking SDK's implemented but I'm not aware of any projects that have published with support for a general audience.
  9. Hello @fb_sigma, We don't support using the tracker without an HMD as a standard use case and further we don't provide support for Triad's python method - they provide it via info@triadsemi.com. When using this type of configuration you need to ensure: You're using the included Bluetooth dongle that ships with the Vive tracker. Without it, the tracker and and basestations will be completely invisible. If using more than one 2.0 base station - you need to ensure the basestations are not outputting on the same channel. By default, all 2.0 basestations ship on channel 1/16. If using two - out of the box they'll conflict with one another. When using an HMD, you'd use SteamVR's GUI to configure the channels. Without it - you'll have to use a paperclip to activate the pinhole on the back on one of the units. Each press will cycle it up an index number (1, 2, 3.... 16 -> 1). Overall, SteamVR is a consumer VR tracking solution. The tooling was designed for use with an HMD (i.e. room setup) and I'd generally recommend having an HMD and controllers onhand whenever you're working with SteamVR because that's ultimately the supported use-case and having them will likely save you time and frustration.
  10. @A-Jey You install and download it via Infinity Play/Launch button, not by adding it to a cart like a paid download since the promotion is tied to Infinity Annual. To qualify to keep S&S, you need to download S&S and launch the application it at least once while logged into an Infinity account with an active Annual membership during the promotional period. You need to launch the game for at least 1 minute for the system to register the launch. Once you do that, S&S will forever be in your "Infinity" category under your library and you should be able to launch it using the same Infinity play button even if your subscription status changes.
  11. @nbhatia - data transfer for that USB port is supported when using wireless adapter. It should work for most devices unless you're doing something with high-bandwidth requirements or power requirements. Note that the power draw of the device you are connecting will impact your battery life. Even something as benign a USB-flash drive can draw a surprising amount of power.
  12. @A-Jey - If you access S&S on an account with an active annual membership while the promotional campaign is running, you'll have access to the title in perpetuity. We're working on adjusting our messaging/FAQ to make this a little clearer. The promotion uses Infinity's API backend to verify your subscription status, hence why you access this title by pressing the Infinity download button rather than the paid-download button.
  13. @ori333 - That's Vive Pro Eye. The eye tracker in Vive Pro Eye is an integration of Tobbi's eye tracking platform. There are heavy protections related to access to the raw retinal images as retinal imagery is considered bio-metric data/PII that's protected under GDPR and similar privacy laws. In short - you can use two SDK's with Pro Eye: SRAnipal: This is HTC's provided SDK which comes pre-licensed when you purchase the headset. Under our agreement with Tobii, we are not allowed to provide access to retenal images via this SDK. Tobii XR SDK: This is Tobii's in-house SDK. This SDK can support retinal images but you must contact and license the SDK directly from Tobii. So in short, yes - but only if you license the proper SDK from Tobii.
  14. @Rogue-Reaper - Are you using a Founders Edition or one of of the Branded OEM's variants. There's a decent number of community reports about instability and some community members think it has to do with the types of capacitors that some manufacturers are implementing into their design. This may or may not be related to what you're seeing - hard to say this early into the product launch.
  15. @deathbyvader It can be really helpful to physically power cycle the linkbox when troubleshooting these kinds of issues. Double check all of your windows audio settings are correct and see if you can verify the mic quality outside of a VR application. The odds of it being a hardware issue are low if it worked initially - it's probably a software/initialization issue and hopefully hardware support can assist.
  16. The roll out of the 3xxx founder edition cards is still ongoing and as everybody in the gaming world is aware - demand is greatly exceeding supply. Greatly... The care agent is likely x-referencing against a list of confirmed compatible cards that we've validated and we technically haven't validated the 3xxx series yet and provided an updated list to our care teams. Due to the supply limitations, our ability to make 3xxx specific compatibility optimizations and compatibility optimizations has been impacted. We'll be updating the installer/console to whitelist 3xxx cards because they're certainly compatible from a raw-power standpoint. Verifying and potentially enabling/optimizing specific rendering technologies such as motion compensation will take time to resolve due to the card's supply-chain limitations. There's also the whole SteamVR component to this and we may see patches/updates within their tech-stack as well. We're only ~1 week into launch - it always takes time for the software ecosystem to catch up to new hardware releases.
  17. @Skwerl OpenVR has C++ native libraries that are used when incorporating into custom engines - you'd incorporate that into your project if possible to get IO into a SteamVR headset. OpenVR lets you target DirectX and OpenGL. I think most people who try to do this kind of thing target OpenGL. Alot of people who've done this work aren't able to share their work/solutions onto forums and discussion groups since they're working on proprietary products. Compounding the problem is that, the vast majority of online resources and threads are devoted towards Unity/UE4. Alot of conversations around custom integrations are likely going to be around Github issue reports.
  18. Glad you found a cable! Thunderbolt is a proprietary Apple standard that can support Displayport, and many Displayport cables can support Thunderbolt, but for VR - you need a native DP cable. It's way confusing - hopefully future display technologies will be less confusing.
  19. @Tomiha we would defer to OptiTrack for cross-compatibility support with their products. Since Optitrack has such a high entry cost, the number of people trying to hybridize our headsets with their tracking is rather limited and Optitrack's solution is highly proprietary to them. With their HMD conversion clips, instead of working alongside base station tracking they're instead providing a hardware solution to replace it and thus their business focus is not to hybridize the tracking systems but instead enable theirs.
  20. @XxPROBEATZXD If you PM me your system report - I can give it a look to see if there's anything that stands out. SteamVR system reports only capture certain issues though. I'd generally recommend cross-posting to the SteamVR forum on the Steam community as SteamVR itself is a Valve ecosystem product: https://steamcommunity.com/app/250820/discussions/
  21. @HeinzGaming - Rift S / Quest use infrared cameras which enable them to work in lower light conditions. Cosmos and virtually all other tracked headsets are using RGB color cameras. All headsets tracked in visible light will require external lighting. You shouldn't need sunlight though - a resonable amount of artificial indoor light should be good enough. When in room-setup - you'll be able to see your environment at the types of exposure levels that the tracking system's computer vision algorithms are seeing them which you can use to help troubleshoot environmental lighting levels. If you have really dark floors and really white walls - it can throw off the tracking because the cameras aren't able to find a good middle ground for the exposure value because the environment has two extremes of brightness/darkness.
  22. @HenryAiden Steam doesn't support non-Steam games for Theatermode, even if you add it to your library. The most common solution for this problem is to route your game through either Bigscreen or Virtual Desktop. This use-case is super confusing though - not sure why you'd augment a headset with an expensive external tracking solution to pipe flatscreen content. There really wouldn't be any super high-end solutions for this because it's not a common use-case.
  23. @grix - You might have an electrical problem - that's a weird set of behaviors. This method is really helpful for trying to debug the SteamVR side of the coin as some of these settings can survive reinstalling a SteamVR instance.
  24. Hello @Stanislav Kostikov, Can you please explain the situation a little better? WaveSDK titles would not use Screen.fullScreen as that method relates to flatscreen playback on a monitor and is not related to VR.
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