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Everything posted by HackPerception

  1. @SanityGaming - There's not enough scientific data on this to make definitive claims one way or another beyond to say that it has similar rest requirements as traditional gaming. We recommend taking a 15 minute break every 30-60 minutes of usage. Current VR headsets only have a single focal plane. Because of this, I'd personally recommend taking off the headset and focusing on objects at various distances in the real-world when you take breaks. The long term cognitive effects of VR remain to be seen - what's clear is that it generates far more neural activity than flat screen gaming. One thing I can say with certainty is that you should mix up the types of movements you're preforming while in VR otherwise you're opening the door for repetitive motion injuries. For instance, if you're playing a bow and arrow game for hours and hours on end and doing the same unergonomic movement thousands upon thousands of times - you're probably going to hurt yourself. I know several VR artists who developed rotator cuff and wrist injuries from marathon art sessions in VR art apps. VR is full body - it helps to have a traditional exercise and weight training program if you're trying to do eSports competitively.
  2. @VRGamer I haven't been able to test wireless against 1.13.x but to my knowledge there are no known compatibility issues and we haven't seen any more widespread reports of incompatiblity on 1.13.10. What's your bootup order? Generally you want to start the Vive Wireless companion first and then open SteamVR
  3. A RTX2060 is strong enough for most VR experiences at the resolution of Cosmos. If you ever have a problem like this in the future - try checking your framerate on a standard flat game or a general benchmark tool which can show if your GPU is behaving incorrectly (e.x. Uniengine which is free). VR is kind of like a differential in a car. A ton of different hardware. software, and drivers all need to sync up together perfectly like gears meshing to create the end-user experience. A full on Windows installation is basically the nuclear option and if that doesn't fix it - hardware is definitely where you'd want to shift your focus to. In any case, glad you're up and running. A 2080 will carry you longer into next-gen content.
  4. @jmean - You're unlikely to find a battery smaller than 10,000mAH that sports the required QC3.0 standard. QC3.0+ is a technology that battery manufacturers have to pay to license when integrating it into their products and thus you generally only find it in more "premium" battery banks that have a higher price point and capacity. I'm not personally aware of any packs that meet the QC requirement that are under 10k mAh. Bear in mind that if you're using OG Vive/Pro the required output is 18w over OC3.0+ and is 21w for Cosmos.
  5. @MaxenceHL These a whole body of research into this that extends into the mid 1980's. I can't really cite one paper as it's been common knowledge that higher framerates improve user comfort, not just in VR but also with traditional monitors. In VR, there is the added component of user-motion. As the user is able to whip their head (viewpoint) around, screen tearing becomes a major issue. More frames mean less screen tearing making VR projections perceptually appear more "solid" and present. Screen tearing factors heavily into the 90hz standard and directly affects user comfort. 90hz is compromise more than anything and is what we consider the bottom end for PCVR in terms of comfort. In 2014-2016 it was first possible to get 90hz OLED displays en masse from OEMs like Samsung and it was possible to get GPUs composite for both eyes at 90Hz. Rendering above 90hz is ideal and where VR is heading but GPUs and rendering engines can't currently support this at scale and no OEM is mass-manufacturing high refresh rate displays in the form factor required for VR headsets. Index is using a custom display from a smaller manufacturer which inherently limits their production volume and few end-users can even drive the expanded framerates due to the GPU/game engine bottleneck.
  6. @davide445 That may indicate problems with your GPU, namely overheating or an undersupply of power. It's weird that the text is rendering still in the affected area. Could also be an issue with the shaders for whatever application you're using.
  7. @ramrocval - No, as Tom said, the Wireless adapter is Desktop only and requires a full sized desktop PCIe slot for installation. There is no feasible way to use it with anything other than a desktop motherboard.
  8. @hankm https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/kinect-dk/ There are only two solutions for occlusion -Put tracking cameras on the device (which has a different set of occlusion limitations) -Use more external sensors/cameras.
  9. @vrmadness Pro does have a slightly larger sweet spot than Cosmos and has a wider range of ergonomic adjustments but it has other tradeoffs. The main tradeoffs are that it has OLED panels which have deeper blacks but slightly more SDE and a slightly lower precieved resolution and that the lenses catch more internal reflections (commonly mislabeled as "god rays" by the VR community).
  10. @hankm Basestation tracking isn't really meant for multi-room deployments. Everything is currently designed and optimized for usage in a single room. The SteamVR For anything over 5x5m, you'd need to use SteamVR v2.0 tracking. 2.0 tracking supports upto 4 base-stations into an array. This helps with occlusion but again, it's meant for single room setups. While you could probably get some basic results by mounting a base-station in each of the four corners, the inability for the tracked device to see all 4 stations at once would make it extremely challenging for SteamVR's algorithms to create a coherent "tracking universe"/roomsetup. A single instance of the SteamVR compositor (required for the pose estimation) supports upto 4 base-station. It can technically pull additional data from more than 4 stations but the way it does this is not documented and it cannot be used as a reliable system. Tracking accuracy is sub-millimeter and true accuracy depends on your deployment parameters. Every installation environment is different and things like reflective surfaces affect the accuracy. SteamVR is an entirely proprietary tech stack - there are no open source ways to interface with SteamVR tracked devices. You must use the OpenVR SDK and the corresponding SteamVR runtime to decode the data from a tracker and translate it into a pose estimate. Kinect V2 is the other low-cost option for this kind of stuff since you can array multiple V2 sensors into an array. The SDKs are optimized for skeletal tracking but you may be able to use a marker based system for your use-case. More advanced systems like Opti-track would be $25,000-$60,000 for a tracking volume this size.
  11. He's not wrong though. All of these games are programmed to receive specific inputs. VR is very non-standardized and there's a huge range of how developers implement movement and other systems in their games backend. Systems like Natural Locomotion attempt to leverage OpenVR's driver level manipulation to try and emulate standardized input across a huge range of target applications. It's pretty cool that it works at all and you'll only find stuff like this in the SteamVR ecosystem right now. Unless a developer is going in and adding native support for a given use-case or product (i.e. treadmill) - you're firmly in the world of modding and modding is a huge amount of trial & error, deconstructing, and reverse engineering. Natural locomotion does work with treadmills in a general sense but how it will work is a per-application type of thing.
  12. @TomCgcmfc - You can also pin the SteamVR compositor to the taskbar. I do this on all of my VRPCs to facilitate start up. Pressing the button on the headset only works if you have the Vive software installed which results in a task running in the background which listens for that input.
  13. @vrmadness This phenomena is called the lens "sweet spot". All current HMDs some form of it and as a result each HMD has a different "sweet spot" size and profile. The morphology of your face and how the headset is sitting against your face plays into it as well. Each VR lens type has pros and cons and sweet spot is just one of a handful of other factors that play into why a specific lens is selected for a given headset (i.e. distortion, pupil swim, chromatic aberration, ect...) and all of these have deeper impacts than optical clarity because they directly effect user comfort and motion sickness.
  14. @darkfyrealgoma The headset itself doesn't have a Li-Ion battery so there's no memory effect to be worried about There is a trickle of energy that flows through the headset while in standby and a bit of heat may be generated by that resistance. The effect of that on the wear/tear of the headset is negligible and it would take many many years for that to start to add up and deteriorate. The original Cosmos SKU ships withwith a linkbox with a power switch. Customers complained about it and so for Elite, the linkbox was swapped for an inline converter. I generally recommend stashing your headset when not in use for a few reasons: Helps prevent: accidental sun exposure to the lenses, moister/water exposure, power surges, falls due to the cable being yanked and reduces dust buildups. I store all of my HMD in Sterallite 17qt containers. Everything is standardized and safe from water/dust.
  15. @Fragarach - You should be able to access this in the public branch of SteamVR, the controller remapping has been in there for a while. The beta is not required. You can do this inside of VR or outside of VR via SteamVR -> Settings -> Controllers -> Manage Controller bindings. There's a few ways to get to this page but in any case, the settings have been unified between the desktop and inside of VR for a few months now. The key thing to note is that this rebinding system only works with Steam apps.
  16. @SK137 - That is not our tool, we're not involved with the creation of it. You'd have to pose questions to that tool's creator or their issue page (which doesn't seem very active unfortunately). We'd generally recommend integrating OpenVR/SteamVR into an engine like Unity/Unreal and then basing everything off that worldspace. OpenVR's native coordinate system is very confusing and the Euler angles can be very confusing. This may be relevant:https://github.com/TriadSemi/triad_openvr/issues/13
  17. @Matluba - We're unfortunately unable to share CAD/3D files of those types of components due to the intellectual property risk. You'd have to contact support and arrange for an RMA.
  18. Oh, forgot to add in that not all games show a 2D output on your monitor. When that happens you can use SteamVR -> DisplayVRView to launch the "mirror" which shows what the HMD sees. It has a bunch of settings & is overall one of the most helpful tools within SteamVR.
  19. @CaseRain392.It looks like your laptop has HDMI so you should just be able to connect the laptop to the TV via HDMI. You can use windows projector settings (Windows Key + P) to select which output mode. When using a laptop, I'd recommend setting to "second screen only" to disable the Laptop's monitor to save horsepower for VR. Audio mirroring can be really tricky and will vary from device to device. Just keep in mind that you usually have to get into both SteamVR's audio settings and Window's settings. You can access the other audio devices easily in more recent versions of windows by clicking on the little up carrot in the top right corner - sometimes you need to get in there and select your external device to be able to adjust that device's audio level
  20. @AmandaBruh Oh snap, my bad. I actually haven't come across that variant and was not aware they were producing RTX models devoid of . In some cases you can use a USB-C -> Dispayport adapter to drive support for headsets. This is the most reliable adapter we've found for current gen HMDs. That said, it becomes hyper model specific because the USB-C port must both: A) Support Displayport 1.2+ Signaling; and B) Must physically wired up to the Nvidia dGPU rather than just the integrated graphics chipset. The specs sheet for that laptop say the following: USB 3.1 Gen 1 (USB-A) x 2, USB-C 3.2 Gen 2, Thunderbolt™ 3 (USB-C). Which doesn't bode well. In this case, I would recommend contacting Razer directly and asking them if one of those ports can support Displayport 1.2+ signaling via the Nvidia dGPU. If they say no - not only will that laptop not support Cosmos - it will not support any current gen Desktop HMD (Index, Rift S, Pimax Ect...).
  21. @davide445 The hardware requirements are pretty firm and usage of the SteamVR runtime is one of those hardware requirements. You're not going to be able to drive any images to a Vive desktop HMD unless you meet the hardware requirements and can host a SteamVR compositor session. Even if you're only playing back a 360 video - the headset is compositing within a 6DoF environment at a fixed frame rate (90hz). On a completely desperate note, smartphones and snapdragon based platforms can actually be better at decoding 360 video than desktop hardware due to how H264/H265 decodes at the processor level. Alot of $$$ and R&D has gone into making H264/265 optimized for mobile devices.
  22. @endrju555 ? A couple of things could be happening here: You aren't using basestations. Vive trackers are SteamVR tracked devices which require basestations to provide tracking data. You're using a first generation Vive tracker (grey Vive logo) with a newer 2.0 basestation (curved front). The newer Vive tracker 2018 (blue vive logo) is compatible with both generations of basestation currently on the market. You're not using the USB dongle or the USB dongle is plugged into a USB port that has bandwidth issues (unlikely).
  23. @BeTangent - It's unfortunately not going to work. I'd recommend watching this video about how SteamVR tracking works. In short, SteamVR tracked devices use something called a watchman board which does a bunch of proprietary witchcraft such as signal amplification and compression as described in that video. The output of the watchman board's IO is sent to the PC via specialized bluetooth receivers in the HMD/watchman USB dongle and then is uncompressed and decoded by the SteamVR runtime/compositor. This raw output is heavily proprietary due to the crazy compression Valve has implemented in order to ensure latency targets are met. You need the SteamVR runtime to decode it and the SteamVR runtime is Windows/Linux only and is not supported by any Android distro. It's a heavily proprietary tech stack. There have been several generations of watchman boards by now but the info in the video I linked it still more or less accurate from a high level prospective. You basically need a windows PC running the SteamVR compositor in order to decode the data. You also need a watchman compatible Bluetooth receiver/dongle on the PC side - you can't just use a generic bluetooth receiver - it specifically needs to be a watchman dongle (i.e. the dongle that ships with the tracker). I suppose you could also theoretically use a Linux machine but your support won't be anywhere as robust as it will be on a Windows OS. I think the standard approach here would be to host the SteamVR runtime on a PC, query OpenVR via a game engine (or a custom application), and then shoot that pose estimate over to the runtime that the android phone is hosting. Using a game engine's networking tools would the easiest approach.
  24. @davide445 Is this still on the Lenovo X380? That laptop only has ~20-25% of the necessary GPU power to drive an HMD - it's super duper incompatible. No Intel integrated graphics chip-set can drive a Vive HMD (first gen or newer) - not even close. When using a Cosmos/Pro on a laptop - you need a minimum of a GTX1070/RTX2060 since laptop cards do not have the same perf as their desktop equivalents. You also need to make sure the laptop supports Displayport 1.2+ output via the dedicated GPU.
  25. @drevyluk I haven't heard of that one before. Can you please provide an example or two of an application where that's happening and what platform you're using to download it? Generally speaking, "handedness" is handled by each and every single application individually. The vast majority of games are designed to be right-handed dominant and not many developers actually go through and commit the resources to make "handedness" an settings option, but some do (i.e. PIstol Whip).
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