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Everything posted by Corvus

  1. @GestureLab You can start the calibration via code with the "LaunchEyeCalibration" function or you can start it manually: - Run "EyeCalibration.exe" manually in C:\Program Files\VIVE\SRanipal\tools\eye_calibration
  2. @drsect0r The only way currently is to enable "Display VR View" from SteamVR Settings.
  3. @traclabsar There is no system parameter or API that does this but it's possible to implement yourself. Here is a suggested solution: " The usual solution to this problem is to render the scene to a low res (like 4x4 or 8x8) texture/render target. Then you have the CPU loop over all the pixels in that texture and compute the average brightness." Source: https://answers.unity.com/questions/640447/detect-brightnessdarkness-of-a-scene.html Note: For performance reasons you probably don't want to measure all of the pixel values, it should suffice to render a low res texture.
  4. @ScottHerz Have you tried the troubleshooting steps here: https://forum.vive.com/topic/6482-vive-pro-eye-calibration-initialization-error-troubleshooting/
  5. @Nermeen Are you using an account with Admin privileges? Most of the calibration initialization errors are due to running the SRanipal runtime without admin.
  6. @saidyy I suggest checking out and using one of the Unity file browser plugins available on the Asset Store or GitHub and adding VR controller support.
  7. @Teresa Liu If you use the latest SteamVR plugin it will generate Cosmos controller bindings files by default and the project will support Cosmos. If you are developing for cross platform with Focus and PC it may be helpful to use the Vive Input Utility (VIU). For multiplayer you can develop a cross platform multiplayer game with plugins like the Unity Multiplayer SDK or Photon SDK. https://github.com/ViveSoftware/ViveInputUtility-Unity
  8. @sttu Have you downloaded the eye tracking (SRanipal) SDK and checked the documentation?
  9. @Minh_26700 You will need to use the base stations and tracking to let a user look at a 360 image. Using the Pro Eye without base stations or SteamVR is not a currently supported use case.
  10. @mrk88 I sent a PM requesting a SteamVR report and SRanipal log files.
  11. @atom You can get the timestamp with this function: ViveSR.anipal.Eye.EyeData_v2.timestamp You can find more info in the documentation. If you want an example of recording data and timestamps at 120hz please check this post: https://forum.vive.com/topic/5897-getting-verbosedata-at-the-fastest-rate-possible/?tab=comments#comment-26428
  12. @vpfrimmer_sxb Here is the link to the thread where you can request beta access: https://forum.vive.com/topic/5747-list-of-supported-gpus/
  13. @vpfrimmer_sxb You can follow this thread about supported GPUs. There is currently a beta for NVIDIA Turing. This project is still in development and expect more updates later this year! 😃
  14. @vpfrimmer_sxb Currently SRWorks supports NVIDIA Maxwell and Pascal only.
  15. @ryankirkpatrick For recording the eye data please check this forum post with sample code: https://forum.vive.com/topic/5897-getting-verbosedata-at-the-fastest-rate-possible/?tab=comments#comment-26428 For recording video there are a number of solutions available on the Unity Asset store or GitHub. Here is a popular choice: https://github.com/keijiro/FFmpegOut
  16. @Tempstudio Please use the Wave SDK for Vive Focus support and publishing on the Viveport mobile store.
  17. @amdia Currently the Eye Tracking runtime only supports Windows. Generally there is not much support for VR on Linux but we appreciate the feedback. If developers are requesting Linux support we will evaluate it in the future.
  18. @dNazarik I'm not able to replicate this issue. Can you let us know what version of SteamVR you are using and can you send me a SteamVR report?
  19. @Nic111 Currently the Eye Tracking runtime only supports Windows. Generally there is not much support for VR on Linux but we appreciate the feedback. If developers are requesting Linux support we will evaluate it in the future.
  20. Yes, the dots should appear after calibration. You may want to switch to the SteamVR beta if you are having issues with the dots lighting up.
  21. @aarelovich What version of SteamVR are you using? There was a bug with the calibration dots that was fixed with a SteamVR beta update recently.
  22. You will need a reference to the Canvas object and you can enable/disable the object to "open" and "close" it.
  23. Android requires every app to use a manifest file to define the app requirements and other useful information. The Wave SDK uses the Android manifest to define HMD degrees of freedom (3DoF/6DoF), controller DoF (3DoF/6DoF), number of controllers supported (0,1,2), and the minimum Wave SDK required. https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/manifest-intro WaveVR Attributes Please ensure that these metadata in your manifest matches the capabilities of your title. This metadata will affect how VIVEPORT store distributes and displays your title. (NOTE: Required for store submissions and betas but not necessary for testing) https://hub.vive.com/storage/app/doc/en-us/ConfigureAppCapabilities.html https://developer.viveport.com/documents/sdk-wave/en/VRActivity.html Viveport DRM Android Manifest Documentation: https://developer.vive.com/resources/viveport/viveport-documentation/english/viveport-sdk/apis/drm-api/vive-wave-permissions/ NOTE: If using the Viveport SDK DRM you will also need to add the following line to the manifest: <uses-permission android:name="com.viveport.CHECK_LICENSE" /> Unity https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/android-manifest.html - Download example manifest (attached below) - Copy example manifest into 'Customize' folder Assets\WaveVR\Platform\Android\Customize - Rename 'AndroidManifest_EXAMPLE.xml' to 'AndroidManifest.xml' - Edit the manifest, set values for NumDoFHmd, NumDoFController, NumController, and minWaveSDKVersion Unreal (UE4) https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Platforms/Mobile/Android/AndroidManifestControl/index.html https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Platforms/Mobile/Android/AndroidManifestControl/index.html#extrasettingsforapplication - Advanced APK Packaging - Extra Settings for <application> section (\n to separate lines) <meta-data android:name="com.htc.vr.content.NumDoFHmd" android:value="6DoF"/> \n <meta-data android:name="com.htc.vr.content.NumDoFController" android:value="6DoF"/> \n <meta-data android:name="com.htc.vr.content.NumController" android:value="2"/> \n <meta-data android:name="minWaveSDKVersion" android:value="1" /> Example to copy: <meta-data android:name="com.htc.vr.content.NumDoFHmd" android:value="6DoF"/> \n <meta-data android:name="com.htc.vr.content.NumDoFController" android:value="6DoF"/> \n <meta-data android:name="com.htc.vr.content.NumController" android:value="2"/> \n <meta-data android:name="minWaveSDKVersion" android:value="1" /> Skip Controller Pairing (Vive Focus & Focus Plus only): To skip the controller pairing dialog when you're app starts you can use add the following line to the manifest <application> section. <!-- Disable Controller Pairing (set to 'true' to skip controller pairing dialog) --> <meta-data android:name="no_controller_pairing" android:value="true" /> AndroidManifest_EXAMPLE.xml AndroidManifest_EXAMPLE_3DoF_Controller.xml
  24. @MyBug Are you still experiencing this issue? The calibration offset issue was fixed with a recent version of SteamVR Beta. Can you test again to see if that fixes your problem?
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