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Posts posted by C.T.

  1. 3 minutes ago, PyroTech115 said:

    Hi CT,


    Yes the headset is updated to version 1.0.999.430.
    Yes I was able to use the glasses only.

    Correct, the cradle will not charge and displays no LED.

    Correct, the glasses will not power on if they they plugged into the cradle.


    The headset will also not power on if the cradle is connected and the cradle plugged in.

    Got it, I left some notes to your support ticket. They need to check it for you. Thanks

  2. 16 minutes ago, PyroTech115 said:

    Hi CT,

    I suspected it may have been the case, so I left the cradle plugged into the XR Elite all day today while I was at work and just tried to boot it up before jumping on to see if anyone had replied.

    Unfortunately all it does is power up for a split second and then shuts itself off again.

    Thanks for replying!

    Okay, let me confirm this once more:

    1. The headset itself is up to date on version 1.0.999.430.
    2. You were able to power it on and enter the VR world using the glasses only, without the battery cradle (by plugging in the USB power directly).
    3. The battery cradle does not charge when plugged in to the USB power, and no LED light is visible.
    4. The headset will not power on when connected to the battery cradle (which leads to the suspicion that the battery cradle is out of power).
  3. @PyroTech115Based on the description, it seems that the battery cradle did not update successfully. Let's try one more thing: connect your battery cradle to the XR Elite and let it charge for at least an hour before turning it on. Then, when it turns on and enters the VR environment, just restart the device manually via the power menu. Let me know how it goes, thanks!

  4. You can use the latest wave SDK to develop eye tracking content for Focus 3. I believe it is 5.3.2 at the moment. 

    to answer your quesionts, 

    1. It is correct that VBS (Vive Business Streaming) is needed to connect Focus 3 to a PC, and then you can use SteamVR+SRAnipal.
    2. You can use OpenXR or the legacy SRAnipal for it. But I suggest the OpenXR way, which can ommit the steamVR and SRAnipal.
    3. Facegym is a demo app that we provided to demonstrate the usage of the eye tracking and facial expressions for developers. 
  5. 27 minutes ago, LczqyM5r said:

    I once had a Quest2, and now I get a vive pro2 that I want to use for virtual officing, so I did not purchase the base station or controller.

    But during the setup, my VR displays nothing but white screen, and it keep asking for controllers and base stations.

    Do I have to have controllers and base station to use vive pro 2 ?

    If so I might just return it, if not, could anyone point me the correct way to setup properly?


    I thought I have experience, but spent entire night and still cannot get this VR to display anything, very sad.

    Yes, the lighthouse is needed for headset like Pro2. Controller on the other hand is required. 

  6. On 8/14/2023 at 2:03 AM, Zeus said:

    I'm having a similar problem.

    The battery cradle doesn't light up at all, and it appears its not charging.

    When I try to turn on the headset with the battery cradle, I see an icon that shows a plug with a low, red battery -- then it shuts off.

    However when I plug the headset's USB-C directly into a computer (without the battery cradle), power bank, and/or multiple outlets, I get the same low, red battery icon. And it shuts off. 

    I saw something regarding an update, but I can't download it due to the headset not powering on completely.

    I've tried multiple USBs, multiple outlets. Controllers are charged, everything should work -- but it doesn't.

    This is super unfortunate, I'm in the middle of an XR/brain study and we can't continue until this headset gets fixed!

    Can you plug in the XR Elite(without battery cradle) into wall charger for at least 30 mins? after that, please connect the battery cradle and let it boot up from the start. 

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