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SRanipal not listed in Unreal plugins

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I'm new to this and I'm trying to set up SRanipal in Unreal so that I can get the eyetracking data. I have followed the manual and can get to the point where I have to enable the plugin, but it does not show up in the list of plugins in Unreal. Any ideas what could be wrong? I tried copying the unzipped 'Plugins' folder into the project folder and also tried copying the 'SRanipal' folder into the 'Plugins' folder of the game engine.



@Daniel_Y @zzy @Corvus

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I'm using 4.23.1, I get the following message when trying to restart the environment after copying the folder: "The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version: SRanipal, Would you like to rebuild them now?". I clicked yes and it tries to rebuild it, but maybe this doesn't work?


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Hi @GestureLab

It's weird since after you rebuild the plugin, it should work.

Can you help me check some details?

1. Check the Plugin's binary files, it's in: Plugins/SRanipal/Binaries/Win64/. The binary files should include 5 dlls and 1 lib file.

2. Check the OS you are currently use, it should be Win10 64bit.

3. You can either try some work around. Open the file: Plugins/SRanipal/SRanipal.uplugin and change the "Installed": false to "Installed": true.



Jason Lu

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  • 4 years later...

Hi @GestureLab@VIVE_Jason_Lu, I am using Unreal 4.23.1 (VRS modified version), and SRanipal I have also tried with SRanipal and All have the same problem, the gaze position is not moving, it is fixed at the center of the screen. Otherwise, the eye calibration and sranipal runtime are working fine. I am using win10 OS. Also, changed  `SRanipal.uplugin` "Installed": false to "Installed": true as suggested here. No effect.


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@Tony PH Lin, the OpenXRViveTracker might serve my purpose, but the documentation says it is built-in for UE 5.1 or later. I am using vive modified version UE 4.23.1. I need eye-tracked variable rate shading, currently just getting static variable rate shading.

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