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vive pro 2 SDE after some time?


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what happened?i had my vp2 since launch was perfect for me but now im getting some screen door effect very noticeable is like idk the text is sharp but the sde is that of a rift s now,mostly with head movement,its so obvious now something happened with the new update it ruined the pixel inversion or something.

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8 hours ago, John2910 said:

Yes more an more people have this problem,but no response here from htc what so ever...

i think people havent noticed yet,because for everyone here it kinda started after that update on 15 june,but i had my vive pro 2 a week after that and hadnt noticed it until a few days ago but 100% i couldnt have missed it because its so obvious and i even tried to look for sde when i got my vp2 and i couldnt see any,i would have definetly noticed this,maybe its lcd panel degradation or something idk.

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  • 2 months later...

My (very personal) guess is that one of early firmwareupdates broke the factory calibration of the LCD-screens. But please @C.T. give us some kind of update. Can we ever expect our HMDs to be fixed by new firmware, or should we return them? (Have already talked to the support and follow that routine)

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I returned my first one because of this.  It seemed to develop the problem sometime after I bought it.  I then bought a second, which was happily free of the issue for about a week, but then some update caused the honeymoon to be over.  I still kept this one only because overall the display its still superior to the competition, but I'd say it lost about 50% of its original wow factor to this issue.  The former comment about it losing its factory calibration sounds like a very sensible explanation.

Edited by Gildahl
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8 hours ago, Jaw_B said:

My (very personal) guess is that one of early firmwareupdates broke the factory calibration of the LCD-screens. But please @C.T. give us some kind of update. Can we ever expect our HMDs to be fixed by new firmware, or should we return them? (Have already talked to the support and follow that routine)

I saw the ticket was closed, would you like to open up another one and send in for inspection? 

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6 hours ago, C.T. said:

would you like to open up another one and send in for inspection? 

How many devices  do you want send in from us??

Please give us some clear information whats wrong.

So is it a hardware defect or not?

We cant just all send our devices back every time!

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