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Everything posted by HackPerception

  1. @teachung - As far as I can tell, Twinmotion only has Desktop VR support (as demonstrated in this video). Archviz is very computationally intensive - you'd basically need to ship a desktop driven VR headset as well as a laptop or desktop PC in order to drive the HMD at this point. It looks like Twimmotion can render out 360 videos. You could theoretically render out a 360 video and then develop a simple application to play the 360 video on the Focus using something like Kiosk mode to boot into the application automatically. That's about the limit of what you're going to be able to accomplish with Twinmotion on a mobile HMD - it's otherwise simply a desktop use-case due to the high performance requirements. You'd need a PC to power the experience - even if you were to try and use some of the more recent and experimental ways to hybridize mobile HMDs and desktop content. It's a computing power limitation.
  2. @lawsblue - The most likely recourse would be to contact our live support and request a repair RMA. Each case is different but in most cases, physical damage is not caused by warranty. A live chat agent will be able to provide info specific to your case. To contact live support, navigate to www.vive.com/support -> contact us -> contact us
  3. @Cooconuts - Here's a quick high level overview: Using trackers without an HMD is officially considered unsupported from an HTC standpoint - any development in that realm is not really supported by us expect in exceptional cases. The closest thing to a best practice for this operation involves invoking a null HMD driver to pull data from trackers without an HMD. The data is transmitted back to the PC via the bluetooth dongles (or potentially via USB data cable) SteamVR is still required at runtime to interface with the trackers. Technically any HMD that uses SteamVR lighthouse based tracking will also natively work alongside trackers (Index, Pimax, ect...). You basically just have to watch out for with version trackers you have (gen 1 or the updated Tracker 2018) and which version of the basestations you have (1.0 or 2.0) as there are hardline generational compatibility requirements. In your specific case, the bluetooth of the tracker wouldn't connect to any HMD, it would transmit data back to the Vive tracker dongle that came with the tracker.
  4. @littlefox , This behavior isn't modified as far as we're aware. We're still awaiting some clarifications between our internal team and Valve but as far as we can tell, everything works as described in that diagram still. I just ran a test on 3 different workstations and I was able to use a USB cable to transmit data back to the PC via a USB data cable in each instance without needing to use the dongle. That said, on the newest Vive tracker firmware - I needed to press the power button (the Vive logo) on the tracker to actually turn on the tracker. If I plugged in the tracker into the PC without pressing the button - it would be seen by SteamVR and start flashing to indicate no tracking; when I pressed the button - the tracker would beep and I'd immediately be able to see it tracked accurately within SteamVR. You could also try a different USB cable. There are USB charge only cables and USB charge + data cables and you'd need one that specifically supported data for this to work. You could have gotten a false positive from your controller - it could have still been sending data via bluetooth rather than the cable.
  5. @mem5000 - For the most part, anything you hear or see from us in the near future will be stereoscopic and 6DoF. Typically, the types of HMDs you're describing are called Personal Cinemas or Personal Viewers and they've historically not been very commercially successful but early products were heavily limited by the displays that were available. Their limited success means that not alot of companies create these kinds of products but they do exist. On the developer side, you can actually disable stereoscopic in your project if you really needed to - it's just not something you can do as an end-user without the source project.
  6. @dwig@novo - Alot of the Samsung SmartTVs don't have true Miracast support and more recent models try to funnel all casting through Samsung's proprietary SmartThings app over their proprietary SmartThings format. Basically casting on Samsung TV's is pretty proprietary but it really depends on which specific model you're using as Justin said. Screen casting support on the Fire Stick products seems to historically be a little hit and miss. Screen casting performance on the first gen stick was widely considered to be not great - I can't find any reports of people talking about their Mira-casting experiences with the newer 4K SKU. What resolution setting do you have your TV set to within the Fire Stick's settings (Settings -> Display)? Try 1080p and 720p specifically
  7. In some instances, it may be helpful or necessary to manually command SteamVR to unpair from all peripherals when troubleshooting controller & tracking issues. The following procedure enables an end-user to quickly wipe their current peripheral pairing configuration. This procedure may be useful in situations where SteamVR is reporting that too many devices are paired, a controller/tracker refuses to pair, a controller won’t track, and/or other controller-related scenarios. 1. With the SteamVR compositor open and the HMD connected to the PC, open Windows Explorer and navigate to .... "STEAM\steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\lighthouse\bin\win32" · In a default installation scenario - this folder will most commonly be located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\lighthouse\bin\win32 2. Locate and right-click "lighthouse_console.exe”, select “run as administrator.” Windows User Control may prompt you for permission to launch the application as an administrator. If so, grant it the required permissions by selecting “Yes” and providing your administrative login credentials (if required). 3. A console window will launch. To perform the “unpair all” procedure, type in the following command followed by the enter key: unpairall Note: If the console pops up and quickly disappears, please ensure the SteamVR compositor is running and that the HMD is properly connected to the PC. 4. All paired devices should be unpaired. Any previously paired controllers should revert to a blue LED indicator. Note: The console will not provide any output or echo indicating the command has been performed successfully; your devices will simply unpair. The SteamVR GUI may need to be restarted to fully refresh and indicate that no devices are currently paired. 5. Next, pair the controllers via SteamVR’s standard controller pairing GUI. You can also pair trackers and other peripherals. In a standard use case, you would pair motion controllers first, followed by trackers and other devices. In more complex situations, it may be useful to plug the controller into the PC via a micro USB data cable to “force” the controller to pair to SteamVR. 6. If the devices pair as expected, you should be able to continue onward with your SteamVR session normally. 7. If a problem persists, we recommend you contact our live support by navigating to www.vive.com/support/contactus and clicking the “Contact Us” button. Please be sure to share any SteamVR error messages, LED indication patterns, or other hints which may be helpful in properly diagnosing the problem. Enterprise customers should contact support.enterprise@htc.com for additional assistance. Please include a SteamVR system log (SteamVR -> Create System Log), if available, to help assist our teams with diagnosing the problem.
  8. @teachung - These all have basic desktop VR workflows but their level of support greatly varies. At the end of the day, things like archviz are very demanding desktop VR applications and not something you'd see running natively on current standalone headsets. Twinmotion has native SteamVR support 3DS Max Interactive seems to have introduced a https://area.autodesk.com/blogs/the-3ds-max-blog/bruno-landry-talks-vr-in-3ds-max/VR workflow but I can't find alot of info on it. https://enscape3d.com/community/blog/knowledgebase/using-virtual-reality-headset/ has native SteamVR support. None of these software options are supported natively on any mobile headset from any manufacturer (i.e. Vive Focus). To boot, you actually need a really powerful workstation to render VR in these applications just by pure virtue of having to also dedicate resources just to launching the 3D authoring tool. Your best choice is to use a desktop VR headset (I.e. Vive Pro) to drive Twinmotion and Escapen3D. You could theoretically leverage our beta "Viveport streaming" feature which can create a WiFi bridge between a Focus Plus and SteamVR but realistically it's a beta-feature that's designed primarily for use with Viveport store titles and it's not going to be as robust or reliable as simply using a proper desktop headset. A desktop headset will give you the best framerate, resolution, and by far the greatest range of support as only a handful of applications overall have true native support for standalone HMDs currently. Hope this helps,
  9. @Tyler Eichten - Thanks for your report! We've reached out the correct teams to investigate. Our current recommendation would be to use a different browser temporarily. Cheers,
  10. @DamienStudio, You can definitely target Vive Focus from Unreal Engine but you'd need to download and integrate the WaveSDK in order to talk to the HMD. For desktop Vive devices - the SDK/Runtime is SteamVR/OpenVR. That's something that's quazi-baked into UE4. For Focus and other "wave" devices, you use something called the WaveSDK. We have a UE4 plugin that you can download from here: https://developer.vive.com/resources/knowledgebase/download-vive-wave-sdk-3-1-6-unreal-beta/
  11. @lamyipming - You can manually adjust for the AC Utility frequency (50/60hz) within the Vive Console - it generally automatically adjusts if it can clearly detect an AC flicker. Most LEDs are generally flickering at a rate that's higher than the camera's shutter speed so from the CCD's prospective, it all averages out. You could theoretically have issues if you had LEDs that had really slow flicker but that'd be harsh to light an environment in because it would be stroboscopic.
  12. @Electron I don't understand your second question unfortunately. The FOV of the PC-side transceiver is 150x150 deg and so the higher you mount it, the larger the area you can cover until you hit a point where the receiver is so far away, it starts to hit the limits of the system's range and quality starts to degrade or the connection breaks. When using it at closer ranges - you have to imagine what the FOV cone of the transceiver looks like (140x140), and adjust your playspace size to ensure most of it falls within the FOV for best quality. I'd recommend testing within your specific environment - Wi-gig is a bouncy signal and so the way the signals bounce off your environment is completely dependent on the specifics of your environment and the materials - if you use the FOV as a general rule of thumb you should be fine because you aren't relying on a reflection for your connection. That said, reflections are a huge part of how Wi-gig works so optimization is really setup and site specific. Mounting in the center pointed directly downward maximizes playspace
  13. @Keane0411 - Depends on which video player you're using - only a handful of them support external keyboard input. If you're trying to use a BT keyboard - I think SteamVR's built in media player has the best native keyboard and mouse support currently. I usually use a media keyboard with SteamVR's media player if I need to view a bunch of 360 videos and don't want to take off the HMD between videos.
  14. @chenpingan25 - This is a USB-C -> DP adapter we've tested and know works well with Vive Products. Otherwise, you'll want to ensure the adapter specifically supports Dispayport 1.2+ at 4k a minimum of 60Hz (and >20gbps bandwidth if it lists it). You'll also want to check the port mapping on the PC to see if the USB-C port is wired to the Nvidia card. Some laptop models save $ by only connecting the USB-C port to the dedicated graphics. I wasn't able to pull specs about this specific laptop as there are several SKUs - you may need to reach out to your manufacturer for final confirmation but you can also usually do a cursory check via the PhysX tab on Nvidia's settings Please note, most modern HMDs require DP 1.2+ so if that USB-C port can't output it, you're going to have some severe limitations around which VR headsets you can use with that laptop.
  15. @AudiEditor Depends on what you're trying to do. Matterport is a proprietary workflow and format - they're trying to offer a very specific UX solution alongside their hardware solution. It's not really producing the same type of generic 3D data you'd normally use in a generic VR/3D workflow. It looks like their web browser is WebVR enabled so you should be able to use their viewer with the Vive - that's about the extent of what their data currently provides in terms of native VR. Matterport does a very specific thing. If you're trying to bring the data into a game engine so peeople can walk around the spaces in 6DoF VR and or use them as standard assets in any sort of more interactive VR/3D project - you're going to want to follow a more traditional photogrammetric or scan based workflow potentially leveraging a less proprietary 3D scanner depending on your quality requirements and budget. Here are a few examples of these workflows - if you're trying to do stuff like this, Matterport isn't the correct workflow. VersaillesVR Smithsonian: Beyond The Walls Nefertari: Journey to Eternity Most of us use Reality Capture for processing this type of data nowadays.
  16. @G FUNK That's a first generation Vive - it's ~2016 technology so the panel is definitely lower resolution than more modern headsets but the quality is among the highest of the first generation consumer headsets. The RX 580 is on the very low end for VR compatibility and would be considered below system spec for most modern software. It's simply not going to be able to drive GPU intensive applications at full resolution. SteamVR tries to dynamically adjust the resolution of your application depending on your hardware. You can push the hardware further by adjusting these values over "100%" - it's called super-sampling (via custom resolution multipliers). Your GPU isn't powerful enough to supersample but actually the opposite - many games may already be automatically automatically adjusting below 100% to try and hit a usable framerate. This usually manifests itself as blurryness. I'd recommend toying with supersampling and learning how to read the frame timing graph if you want to try and optimize your experience but overall you're going to be limited by your GPU and you should probably be going under 100% rather than over in most cases. You won't be able to drive current gen HMDs without a hardware upgrade.
  17. Hello @Carlos c, I'd love to help you out here but this is a really ambiguous question. Can you please elaborate what your use case it, what hardware you're using, and what software/software environment you're trying to deploy. Are you asking about concurrent users in a virtual space or in a single physical space? Ect...
  18. @timtim - I'm not a specialist on Wave/Focus but I've seen in my own testing that some computers can struggle to connect if the primary display's resolution is set really high (above 1080) or if it's set to a weird aspect ratio, it can prevent casting. I'd recommend only trying to cast with the PC's display set to 1080p to help rule that out. @Tony PH Lin
  19. @oxygen4004 - What you're probably seeing is the result of which back end solution developers have integrated as their multiplayer solution. At a high level, there are a few options developers have: Using a store SDK: (Steamworks, Oculus, ect...): When developers use a store SDK to drive multiplayer features, it typically isolates multiplayer into each storefront. For instance, you can't upload a Steamworks SDK enabled built to the Oculus store or Viveport and vice versa - the SDK services are platform restricted. In these situations, the platform usually provides centralized high speed servers and absorbs hosting fees (but some SDK's do technically enable peer to peer which can be slower and have higher latency). Using a third party multiplayer solution or hosting your own severs (I.e. Photon engine) In this case, developers are able to developer cross-play builds but they may have to pay for hosting fees and have custom integration costs. Using an engine level multiplayer support For practical reasons, this basically only applies to Unreal Engine games when it comes to VR as it's not common with Unity builds. So overall, it depends on which SDK the developer has integrated which usually has to do with how their project is built and how they're approaching sever hosting costs. This is basically how it works with consoles as well. A general rule is that if you want true cross-platform multiplayer, the development studio has to host their own servers and implement their own custom multiplayer which is why it's not very common. Companies like VRChat have very high hosting fees due to their high user count because they're doing their own thing - they enjoy a higher degree of freedom as a result because their hosting isn't bound to a storefront.
  20. @EnterRealityVR SteamVR currently supports upto tracking from 4 basestations per SteamVR instance (per HMD) allowing for a chaperone upto 10x10m. It does not currently support larger volumes, and it'd additionally be really difficult to tether the HMD to a PC at larger scales. The current primary use-case for having more than 4 base-station channels is so that you can have upto 16 basestations operating in the same room without interference (you could previously only have a single pair of 1.0 stations within line of sight). SteamVR 2.0 Tracking is a Valve technology that we've integrated into our products via a partnership - any announcements about changes to the underlying core tracking system would likely originate from Valve.
  21. @Aracnonet, The original Vive has reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer manufactured or sold anymore, hence why you can't readily find new kits. There is still a listing for individual 1.0 controllers. Controllers for the Vive/Vive Pro are SteamVR tracked devices which means they need basestations to operate. They can't be used without basestations. If you have a set of basestations, and some controllers, you can technically use a tool called OpenVR-Space-Calibrator to try align the coordinate system of the basestations up with your WMR headset. That said, it takes quite some time to set up, you still need controllers and the basestations, and at that point - it's faster and easier to just also use a Vive HMD full kit and achieve native support rather than trying to rely on a third party tool to sync up the two tracking systems. Whenever you rely on customization tools like OpenVR-Space-Calibrator, you risk having SteamVR break everything when SteamVR updates. We don't provide support for this tool as it's an unofficial third party tool. For most people, I would classify this workaround as "way more trouble than it's worth". The accuracy isn't perfect when using these types of tools. Please note that Valve's newer SteamVR 2.0 base-stations can only work with 2.0 enabled gear - i.e. you can't use the new 2.0 stations with the original Vive wands. This further complicates the matter.
  22. @George_Dunnett There really isn't a good "solution" here. The general idea though is that if you're going to try to use it outdoors in any capacity - you probably would only do so at night in the dark. It's not super worth the risk to the HMD to try to use an HMD outside during the day - it can only take a very brief moment of exposure to damage the screen.
  23. @davide445 - The Vive Enterprise Advantage packs serve as Vive's commercial use license. We only offer advantage for Pro - we do not offer Advantage for Cosmos at this time and thus no standard commercial-use license exists for Cosmos. Pro is our current enterprise-use headset line. If you PM me your country - I can ask someone specific to try and contact you to discuss your specific situation
  24. @Curiosity - No, I don't have any resources of the kind available. I don't know alot about aftermarket prescription vision inserts for HMDs but my general understanding is that you'd have to have a lens insert that's optimized for the specific HMD you're using it to, otherwise you'll get barrel distortion (straight lines will start curving). In the least, I'd suspect that you'd need HMD optimized frames to mount a common lens but I generally think that you'd probably need an optimized insert for each HMD type. I've never purchased aftermarket inserts myself, I have some smaller circular glasses I keep around for smaller headsets. My understanding from reading community threads is that https://vroptician.com/ has the reputation for having distortion free lenses - I would recommend reaching out to them and asking them what their thoughts are on your specific use-case as they're going to be more specialized in this sort of thing.
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