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Everything posted by HackPerception

  1. @davide445 - We have announced a Cosmos XR faceplate for Cosmos that is a modular element to the existing Cosmos HMD. We're working with a limited number of partner developers to explore the potential - we haven't made broader announcements about availability and most information about it outside of what we were going to announce at MWC is under a device specific NDA.
  2. @Lukk What engine have you settled on? I looked into this a bit more and if you're using Unity, it looks like Photon Engine and their BOLT subsystem might be an appropriate networking route. Another idea - this has mostly been done by robotics researchers and students - you can maybe do a quick search for teams that have accomplished this and send them a note asking if they can share any lessons learned as this is definitely a niche use-case.
  3. @SanityGaming - the Amazon shipping freeze is indefinite - just be aware that it could be a very long time before they accept our shipments.
  4. @muella91 - This may be due to SteamVR's role system. Can you please change the role of the tracker in question from "held in hand" to "waist" and then retest to see if that modifies the orientation issue? That would isolate it to the roll binding system.
  5. @Lukk The cameras on the Vive/Vive Pro are ~ 95.1 degrees horizontal by 78.8 vertical as seen by the game engines and that hardware selection corresponds to the visual FOV of the headset. If you try to take a 180 degree feed and project it on a headset that is ~110FOV, you're going to have major distortion and perception issues if you don't crop or correct for it within the context of your implementation.
  6. @Lukk - SRWorks SDK is specifically for the built in cameras - it cannot be used for custom solutions. We don't have any SDK that would enable you to do this - you'd need to configure a custom solution within a game engine. In order to render the images, you'd generally do something like translating the video feeds into a render texture and then rendering out each individual texture to it's respective eye. You can use something like Photon Engine to drive the networking of that video texture. Render textures can be videos Distortion would probably be your biggest enemy here - the camera FOV is probably a really sensitive subject and you'd need to account for that if using 180-degree cameras. I'm sure that that solution would get really hardware specific really quickly. Here is a Unity example solution I found on the SteamVR forums: Add the objects that represent a stereo pair to different layers Add SteamVR CameraRig (using plugin v2.2.0 here) Add a second camera next to the existing camera in the CameraRig Set one camera's Target Eye to Left and remove the right layer from the culling mask Set the other camera's Target Eye to Right and remove the left layer from the culling mask
  7. @modelsim, You can't really interface with the base-stations programmatically - they're controlled by SteamVR and the OpenVR SDK doesn't really have any API's to the stations. There isn't much you can do with 1.0 stations on the management side - you can basically enable and disable basestation power management vie the "Power Management" button. The only thing you can really do from the specific UI element you screenshoted from is to click the underlined part to identify the base-station by having it flash it's status LED. The scan for basestation tool is pretty much only for 2.0 basestations, not 1.0 stations. With 2.0 stations - you use the scan for stations UI to manage basestation channels and resolve conflicts as there are 16 available channels. With 1.0 stations - you manage the channels via the phsyical button on the back of the unit and there are only 3 channels (A, B, C). A+B is for when you're using a sync cable, B+C is for when you're using the units built in optical sync if the stations have a direct line of sight to one another.
  8. @SanityGaming I was able to confirm that while were planning Amazon distribution and had made arrangements. Amazon is not able to accept any potential shipments of Elite stock currently as it does not meet their definition of "essential items" under their current COVID-19 operations plan. You should be able to purchase from the following UK retailers: Scan, Ebuyer, Overclockers, and Dixons. As soon as we're able to stock with Amazon UK/EU - we certainly hope and plan to do so but that date is solely determined by Amazon at this point. If you want one, I'd personally recommend trying to order one sooner than later from any of the available distribution channels because it's not out of the realm of possibility that individual European countries start taking more restrictive measures which could severely impact shipping channels.
  9. Hello Developers, We hope you'll join us next Tuesday at 10AM PT for the first of HTC VIVE's GDC Live Webinar Sessions: A Step Ahead of the Curve: Using Data Trends to Build a Successful VR Experience. Starting March 31st through May 12th, we will host a live webinar followed by a Q&A period, every Tuesday at 10am PT. Registrations are open now! A schedule for these sessions with individual registration links can be found below: Tuesday, March 31 @ 10am PT – A Step Ahead of the Curve: Using Data Trends to Build a Successful VR Experience. For more information on each session, check out the Vive Blog. Tuesday, April 7 @ 10am PT – Build for Tomorrow: VIVE Hand Tracking SDK Tuesday, April 14 @ 10am PT – Working Remotely in VR using Vive Sync Tuesday, April 21 @ 10am PT – Lessons Learned from Marketing 100+VR Games Tuesday, April 28 @ 10am PT – Viveport Developer Console: What’s Coming in 2020 Tuesday, May 5 @ 10am PT – XR Continuum: Merging VR & AR Development Tuesday, May 12 @ 10am PT – What’s the Opportunity in Enterprise?
  10. @LukkDepends on if you're using a prebuilt camera like the Zed camera or rolling your own solution. The Zed/Zed Mini camera is the best supported of aftermarket MR pass-through cams. If you're using a productized solution like a Zed camera - it will have an SDK and that SDK will determine your limitations if you can't get direct hardware access. I'd imagine that you can get a networked multiplayer session between the two sessions in a game engine or figure out how to network with the camera more directly. If you're rolling your own camera solution - each video stream can just be networked in whichever way you find finds produces the least latency and then you can render each feed to each eye accordingly.
  11. @hina Is this in Unity? There isn't alot of info here about your project
  12. I'd recommend contacting https://www.vive.com/us/support/ -> support -> support to request one that's region specific. There are now device specific variations as things like the Cosmos have higher power draw. There is a Reddit thread with unofficial info - if you try to go this route - note that cheap DC adapters are a really easy way to fry your HMD and that quality matters with DC adapters.
  13. @GreenDragon - That's mostly likely an RMA scenario - if your unit is fairly new, it will be covered under warranty. I'd recommend setting up an RMA via https://www.vive.com/us/support -> contact us -> contact us. You can make the situation worse by trying to manually modify the files on the device- there is more to committing a firmware update to the device than moving files to and from the device's flash memory via Windows explorer. If you're plugging your device into your PC via a USB-data cable and the SteamVR firmware updater can't push a firmware update to it, it's more than likely bricked and can't be fixed on the user-side.
  14. @GreenDragon - This is a Valve/SteamVR decision that's likely based on several factors. First, you have to have a specific Bluetooth driver installed, second - you have to specifically opt-in to enable bluetooth communication for security as it's something that's exploitable and many developers and enterprise users need it disabled, and lastly, bluetooth power management can wreak havoc on multi-HMD setups and arcades and needs to be disabled. BT power management historically has mixed reception - while it addresses one problem, it can bring up a host of other undesirable behaviors. This is embedded and managed within SteamVR and the SteamVR Tracking tech statck - it's not something HTC can directly affect as that's managed by Valve.
  15. @SubmergedCookie - Basestations are high precision mechanical devices which offer higher fidelity tracking via their mechanical design. The 1.0 basestations have two motors and each of them spins at 3600RPM which is over 200,000 revs per hour per rotor - eventually they simply start to wear out. There's no reliable user fix for this - they're specialized devices and repair requires re-calibration using specialized equipment. You can reach out to our Live chat to specifically check warranty status on your unit, you can try to replace the units through them (which varies by country), you can purchase replacement stations, or you can look towards a current gen replacement. It's a tricky situation - the newer 2.0 stations are also mechanical and have the same fundamental Pros and Cons. The best way to ensure the longest lifespan of the units is to use basestation power management to turn the stations off automatically when not in use or to manually unplug them. Moving a basestation while it's spinning will reduce it's lifespan and potentially break the station if the movement is violent enough. In your case, it sounds like your stations maybe have one functional rotor a piece which is can pull some tracking data but not enough to sustain a session.
  16. @Echu B+C are for optical sync when you're not using the sync cable A+B is when you're using a physical sync cable You can use 1 station in channel A for single station mode if need be - you'll only get ~180 degree tracking though (especially on the controllers).
  17. @SanityGaming - I totally get it - there's a number of advantages to ordering from Amazon. I just can't really overemphasize how messed up global logistics are due to COVID in general - I haven't heard back from our EU team yet on this unfortunately. I've been locked down for 10 days myself in SF.
  18. @SanityGaming - still asking around for offical word from our EU team but like I said, in many countries, Amazon isn't accepting stock unless it's medical supplies or household essentials so I wouldn't be surprised if that hampered any efforts to stock there. Everything is super messed up right now - ordering on Vive.com will probably have the highest chance of getting a shipment in the mail before things get more restrictive.
  19. @pbbbbb This generally wouldn't be kosher with developers presently. When they develop a VR game - they're generally targeting a known level of performance and reproduction quality - MR quality on current HMDs throws that out the window. That's a huge reason why VR content is progressing faster than MR/AR - you can control for more factors which impact your reproduction quality. The latency of pass-through is currently high enough that it would bother most people if used long-term; as hardware improves, you'll likely see this type of MR become more commonplace. That said, SteamVR can roughly achieve this with the following settings (This is going to work better on Vive Pro than Vive due to the stereo cameras): Set you activation distance to be really high (I'd recommend experimenting with this - my current playspace is really small so I can't test): Enable room view with translucent pass-through and ensure "show camera at room edge" is turned on
  20. @tfjb68: Is the wireless adapter receiving power? Any activity from the LED on the headset side of the wireless adapter? Does the HMD have power as indicated by it's status light? On the PC side, when you try to pair the adapter - the HMD side adapter's LED will start blink green rapidly at which point you press the Vive logo to complete the pairing process. Afterwards you should see the HMD listed as connected alongside a signal-strength graphic. You always want to start the wireless adapter software and pair the HMD fully before opening SteamVR. Opening SteamVR first will generally not work.
  21. @SanityGaming - I am still trying to get offical word but global logistics are a mess right now due to COVID. Amazon is blocking all non-essential shipments to it's warehouses in many countries so I'm not sure Amazon is super feasible right now if they aren't stocked already.
  22. @rheamw - I just unboxed two basestation 2.0's and can confirm they ship by default in channel 1 and that you either need to use the pinhole in the back or SteamVR's channel management GUI to get them on separate channels otherwise they'll conflict and your tracking will be broken.
  23. @Glaucoma Predator - heads up, I've personally broken two of the Index breakout connectors. I'd recommend being extra gentle with it, especially during the next few months. For me - it's that I am so used to wireless that anytime I go back to a wired HMD I constantly trip over the wire. If you step on the breakout - it may not end favorably.
  24. ^ This info had to come from our PR team hence why we couldn't reply to these threads. ET is manufactured in Taiwan so our situation is a little different than companies manufacturing in China but the health of our workers is definitely number 1 and we also have to follow the health and safety guidelines for each of the regions we have workers. We're working around the clock to adapt to COVID but there will be unavoidable impacts across the entire XR industry - especially on the hardware side. I'm on day 3 of the San Francisco lockdown myself
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