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Everything posted by VIVE_chengnay

  1. @vethetheth Direct Preview owner is checking this issue. SW PM will get back to you later, sorry for the inconvenience.
  2. Hi @Emagine, Could you share your apk file for further investigation? Previous case, you can try delete the AndroidManifest.xml file and build again. Please also list the versions of Unity Editor, Wave XR Plugin and any other plugins that you have imported/installed in your project, thanks!
  3. Hi @Veyond_Jimmy, Sorry for the long wait. It is harder than I thought, I am not able to write the sample script for you. Could you describe what you really wanna do? Maybe there is other method or solution to resolve your problem.
  4. Hi @Veyond_Jimmy, I will try my best, it might take some time.
  5. Hi @Veyond_Jimmy, May I know how you will connect keyboard to your Focus 3? Using Bluetooth? I will try to write a sample code for you, but not sure my method will work as it depends on how you connect your keyboard.
  6. Hi @Veyond_Jimmy, You could reference to ViveRaycaster.cs and create a new script named KeyboardRaycaster.cs. You need to replace the mouseButtonLeft, mouseButtonMiddle and mouseButtonRight with keyboard buttons. If you still have issue, please let me know.
  7. Hi @Veyond_Jimmy, Just to double check I get your requirements right, You want to grab objects that have StickyGrabbale component, others objects (BasicGrabbable) cannot be grabbed?
  8. Hi @Stanislav34, VBS hand tracking supports OpenVR Skeleton Input and OpenXR hand tracking. Currently, it does not support hand gesture. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  9. Hi @FailD, Menu button(LEFT) is occupied by VBS system, and System button(RIGHT) is occupied by Focus 3 system. For VBS case, you might need to bind to another button. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  10. Hi @FailD, Could you use B or Y button for your pause menu?
  11. Hi @Test12134234, For your case, you need to create a Unity project and import SteamVR Unity Plugin instead of using Wave XR plugin 4.5.0-r.3. Please try below methods, let me know if you still have problem, thanks! For VBS, please follow below steps, 1. Download the software and install on your PC. 2. Both your PC and your headset needs to connect to same network. 3. Open VBS app on your headset and it will list the VBS server on the list. NOTE: Remember to unplug USB cable that connected between your PC and headset Your PC must install SteamVR too.
  12. Hi @vethetheth, Isn't this is the purpose of recenter? Just like before when you use the WVR_InAppRecenter API, it does the same right? Please correct me if I did something wrong. 🙂
  13. Hi @vethetheth, I created this script, let me know if it is ok for you? using UnityEngine; public class RecenterScript : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject VROrigin; public GameObject Camera; public void Recenter() { var cameraLocalRot = Quaternion.Euler(0, Camera.transform.localEulerAngles.y, 0); Matrix4x4 camLoacalNow = Matrix4x4.TRS(Camera.transform.localPosition, cameraLocalRot, Vector3.one); var targetHeight = Camera.transform.position.y; var targetPos = new Vector3(Camera.transform.position.x, targetHeight, Camera.transform.position.z); Matrix4x4 TargetPos = Matrix4x4.TRS(targetPos, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one); Matrix4x4 CameraRigWorld = TargetPos * Matrix4x4.Inverse(camLoacalNow); Vector3 XZPos = CameraRigWorld.GetColumn(3); VROrigin.transform.position = XZPos; VROrigin.transform.rotation = CameraRigWorld.rotation; } } I tested with Tutorial scene from VIU example scene. You simply add the Recenter function to the button. I made some modifications to the scene by adding VROrigin and move ViveCameraRig and VivePointers to its child.
  14. Hi @vethetheth, In our VRS Launcher, if you move far from the origin location, controller will appear the recenter button. Do you want to try this method? If yes, I can provide you with sample code.
  15. Hi @vethetheth, I am still waiting for SWPM to response. You mentioned that you cannot move OVRCameraRig, then I can't think of other method to help you out. Previously, we will move CameraRig for recenter case.
  16. Hi @Justine, Could you explain the MonoPInvokeCallback part? I am not sure this is and it should be the root cause to Unity freeze after attach the script to scene. I tried your first and second script, both will cause Unity freeze.
  17. Hi @vethetheth, I did try the API and got the same result, and I am still waiting for SDK owner or SW PM to reply. May I know what's your main purpose for using the recenter? Maybe I can think of other method to help you out.
  18. Hi @Justine, A quick question, I just need to attach the script to the scene and hit play? I just tried attach the script to the EyeSample_v2.unity and hit play, then Unity freezes. 😞
  19. Hi @Lian, The log that you collected is not by using SRanipal robot?
  20. Hi @vethetheth, Could you provide the information of the plugin version(VIU? Wave SDK?) you imported? And, did you enable hand tracking from Wave menu?
  21. Hi @Lian, Just to confirm that you followed the steps and installing the latest version (v1.32), Then your SRanipal robot always show orange color and did not turn green is using v1.32?
  22. Hi @Lian, Did you follow these steps for cleaning up the SRanipal runtime?
  23. Hi @Lian, Just curious, why you need to use 1.03 runtime? It is not recommended to use older runtime. Please re-install the latest runtime (v1.32), thanks!
  24. Hi @Justine, I think you can just add it under "Parameters for time-related information".
  25. Hi @Justine, Could you add another varaiable? For example, int frameCount.
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