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Everything posted by vethetheth

  1. Hi @C.T. @chengnay, any news on directpreview ? It's been months and it is really, really becoming tedious to develop on your hardware. Can we at least have an idea on where the problem is ? Everything works fine for you, but not a single developpers managed to make the directpreview work on this forum Please help us. It can't continue like this.
  2. Interop.WVR_InAppRecenter(WVR_RecenterType.WVR_RecenterType_YawAndPosition); This line doest exactly what we need : it recenter the view, and it resets our position, the controller are fine too. But the hand tracking hands are not reset. I tried to deactivate the hand tracking / resetting their position so they can be at the good place after recentering but i couldn't make it work... Do you have an idea while they try to fix it internally ?
  3. Hello @chengnay, sorry for the long absence without response. What we wanted to do with the recenter was : reset the rotation (it works perfectly with your code) and reset the position of the player to the center of our scene (we could use a 0,0,0 transform GameObject for example). We managed to do both separately but not at the same time. And the WVR_RECENTER of the API doesn't work with hand tracking. Thanks for your help in advance.
  4. Hello @chengnay, thanks for the code ! I did as you said, and the rotation works perfectly for the hands. But the position is not reset : wherever I move, i am always at the same distance of the button as before.
  5. I would like to, yes please. My only wish is that it also recenter my hands.
  6. Well I tried to move the VROrigine, DeviceHeight, ViveCameraRig and Camera but with no success...
  7. Sure. We are using applications with people that can not interfere with the UI of the headset. We have a web platform that does the calls to our Unity applications, and one of these calls is the recentering of our app. So the people inside the game don't have to do anything. We are currently grabbing all of our scene, putting it in a gameobject, rotate and recenter the gameobject. It is not an optimal solution because the World Positions are not followed by the now new position of the whole scene, so we had to rewrite most of our applications that uses rigidbody's and forces. because we can't move the OVRCameraRig, we didn't think of a better solution.
  8. Did you manage to replicate the bug on your side @chengnay?
  9. Hello @chengnay, I am using the VIU version 1.17.0 and the 4.5.0-r.3 wave assets. I am testing the recentering of the application in the 0. Tutorial scene of the VIU Sample. Hand tracking is enabled. The controllers are working fine, but when i rotate my head and want to recenter the game, my hands doesn't follow and stay where they were. I did not modify the sample :
  10. Hello. Following this post : https://forum.vive.com/topic/12833-user-orientation-recentering-in-unity/ I did integrate it in my project but it doesn't work with the hand tracking : the hands doesn't move, but the controllers do Is there any work around for this ? @C.T. @chengnay @BabelSW I tried resetting the position of the hands, without success Thanks in advance for any help
  11. Hi. I have different applications that call themselves through code. I use a launcher that launches an app, the app then launch the launcher, and the launcher calls another app. I am experiencing random crashes and I think it is because i don't quit / call the apps correctly. Is there a way to do it properly through WAVE code ? I am using unity What I want is do it properly : I am in the launcher, i want to quit the launcher, then launch the app. Quit the app, then launch the launcher etc... I need to completely quit my game : the Unity Application.Quit() doesn't "kill the application" so I had to use these lines of codes. Thanks in advance. Here is my code to launch a game : public static void NextGame(string gameName) { AndroidJavaClass up = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer"); AndroidJavaObject ca = up.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity"); AndroidJavaObject packageManager = ca.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getPackageManager"); AndroidJavaObject launchIntent = packageManager.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getLaunchIntentForPackage", gameName); ca.Call("finishAndRemoveTask"); ca.Call("startActivity", launchIntent); up.Dispose(); ca.Dispose(); packageManager.Dispose(); launchIntent.Dispose(); } And to stop it : public static void StopGame() { AndroidJavaClass up = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer"); AndroidJavaObject ca = up.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity"); ca.Call("finishAndRemoveTask"); up.Dispose(); ca.Dispose(); }
  12. Thanks, it worked 🙂 Is it still used for development, or should we use the VIU ? What are the differences for hand tracking ?
  13. Hi. After importing the Interaction Toolkit as said in this page : Interaction — Wave VR 4.5.0 documentation (vive.com) I have 4 errors : Every package is updated, do we have to use the VIU, what is the most updated feature ? Thanks
  14. Hello, I tried both solutions, and I restarted my editor multiple time, ticking and unticking the button But nothing changed for me...
  15. Hi, I just tested it on a whole new project, and i still have the same problem in 2019.4.39f, updated wave SDK and i didnt touch the controllers for 10 minutes for both scenes Result is the same, static images, duplicated on each eye 😞 It might be my hardware that breaks it ? I tried it on two headsets... Can you please show me, or @Dario how can I setup the vive business streaming to see what is hapenning on play mode? It would greatly help me Thanks
  16. Awesome, thanks a lot for the answers ! I tried it with another headset, the result is the same. I hope it is not my PC that breaks it...
  17. Yes, I tried it. Same problem : Image is duplicated : each eye see the same image and i can not move my head
  18. Thanks for your answer. Sadly, I was and still is in Android when i test my game. I have the same problem. When turning my head, i can see black borders all around the scene i have in front of me. I can't show you on the recorder, because it got the unity screen instead of the whole HMD... I hope it can help (I am on the vive focus 3) Screenrecord_20220511_113110[2].mp4
  19. Sure. When moving the camera in the editor, it does work in the headset. But the headset is not moving on his own, and each eye has a different image of the scene. I tried using those 4 different cameras : I tried using 2019, 2020 and 2021 version every parameter has been tried in wi-fi WaveXR is ticked on PC and Android platform directpreview is enabled Apk has been installed, removed and reinstalled multiple time It would be really helpful if you help me find the solution. Thanks in advance HTCLinkTest.zip
  20. @C.T.Hello, it doesn't work for me : the image is static in the headset. There are no errors anywhere, the image in the headset just won't move.
  21. If it can help, I managed to install it : you have to connect your headset to your pc, and delete the "DirectPreview" folder on your device :
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