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Posts posted by stvnxu

  1. Hey @A-Jey,


    menu just jumps in if you click the button for it and then it keeps being displayed until you close it with an x-button. That would also give a lot of more time to finetune and get the exact sweetspot."

    This is a really great suggestion... letting the users take the time to adjust IPD w/o constantly moving the dial just to keep the menu open can be a struggle.  I think one pushback is dedicating a button for just IPD alone. Nonetheless, confirming with you that I've made a note to our engineering team about the couple of alternatives you've listed for the IPD menu.


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  2. @Kev1966 & @pataan,

    Quick update:

    In order to set your room orientation, you'll need the HMD facing that direction during room setup. The direction of the HMD during roomsetup is typically what sets the orientation. The exception is if your room-scale is done in a portrait oriented room size, then it will point in the nearest direction of the long space of your playspace. 

    This suggestion is a temporary solution. I understand this isn't ideal as there is no UI to indicate or clearly show the users orientation. This has been esclated internally and we will work on this. 




  3. Hi everyone,

    There's a new Beta release that just came out. WOOHOO! For the Beta users, please check your VIVE Console to ensure you're on the newest version. We've addressed a few of your reported issues and feedback :). Not all of them just yet, but promise we are listening to each one of you and will get to them all as soon as we can. 


    Please redirect yourself to the new thread link above to check out release notes. As always, please feel free to provide your honest feedback and any issues encountered. We are working to continue to improve your Cosmos experience. 

    Thank you for your patience and support.


    @Phr00t, @Hasp, @Dickytwo, @jegra45, @DoubtlessOne, @harryk, @A-Jey, @T, @TomCgcmfc, @jegra45, @Stopka, @joellipenta

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  4. Hey @JonathanPeyton - Sorry to hear about the room setup issue you experienced. Were you able to get it resolved at the end of the day? If not, you can try opting out of Beta to check if you're still experiencing the same issue. Before you do, if you can send us an issue report, that'll help our engineering team view your logs and prevent this issue from happening again in the next update. Here are the instructions on how to do so: https://forum.vive.com/topic/6662-how-to-report-issue-through-vive-console/

    Again, super sorry about the rough night. I'll submit a note to our engineering team regarding your issue and the feedback on the 2 apps running in parallel.

    Hi @lamyipming - Thanks for your feedback. No, I totally understand and think this is very important. I'm continuing to push this internally. I'll make this happen don't worry. I will update you and the other thread regarding this when it's available. 

    UPDATE regarding roomsetup orientation: 

    In order to set your room orientation, you'll need the HMD facing that direction during room setup. The direction of the HMD during roomsetup is typically what sets the  forward orientation. The exception is if your room-scale is done in a portrait oriented room size, then it will point in the nearest direction of the long space of your playspace. 

    This suggestion is a temporary solution. I understand this isn't ideal as there is no UI to indicate or clearly show the users orientation. This has been esclated internally and we will work on this. 


  5. @TomCgcmfc,

    Thank you for sharing your detailed feedback. Regarding content, I'll forward it to our Content team over at Viveport. They are aware of this, but I'll escalate it and provide you updates when I hear back. Please feel free to follow up with me on this. 

    Great observation on the pass-through camera. I've forwarded your field notes to the engineering team as a FYI in case they weren't aware.


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  6. @joellipenta,

    Glad to hear the 1.0.7 beta build is working for you! Thank you for your trust, and taking the risk on us. We promise the improvements will be ongoing. I agree with you on supporting the early adopters, and will engage in an internal discussion on this. My role is to listen, support, and resolve the reported issues and feedback so I'll take it upon myself to make you not regret your purchase! Thank you again and we're working hard to make this up to you and all others that expressed dissatisfaction. 



    @albertomr3 - Thank you for looking out! We really appreciate you standing up for the community here and encouraging a healthy discussion amongst us all. Glad you were able to catch on the benefits of the RGB cameras. Stay tuned 😎.

    @A-Jey - That would be great!!! Yes, the trickiest part is always optimizing for various environment in terms of lighting and surroundings. We've heard consistent positive feedback with low light which is great. Curious to hear more on normal and brighter lighting conditions if you have the time. Thanks again for the feedback and support!


    To all readers that have read through to this point,

    We are open to and understanding of the customer frustration and will accept them. We are at fault whenever there is an expression of customer dissatisfaction, and our promise is only to do better. The first step is to clearly listen and engage with you, our supporters and customers, with actionable steps moving forward. We really do appreciate your patience and support this far. Please feel free to communicate any honest issues or feedback for us to collect and improve. *cue eye of the tiger song*


    • Thanks 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, oxygen4004 said:

    I understand the exact issue...

    The controllers are THE problem...

    When they are hot they close themself usb port so headset is switching off as if it was unplugged


    Hey @oxygen4004 sorry about the issue you're experiencing. Could you please submit a report issue on Vive Console? Your issue is very unique and the first I've seen reported to date. Once you submit a report issue, our engineering team will be able to collect your logs and identify the root cause. Please let me know when you've completed this step and we will work quickly to addressing this.



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  9. @Phr00t, @Hasp, @Dickytwo, @jegra45, @DoubtlessOne, @harryk, @A-Jey, and all others experiencing issues with this beta version,

    Thanks for your honest feedback and support! Regarding your controller tracking / occlusion issues, could you help us by submitting an issue report and putting in the report description "Beta feedback v1.0.7 - (1-2 sentence about issue)"

    @TomCgcmfc ,

    Sorry to hear your the update isn't working out for you. If you have the time, submitting a report on the v1.0.7 would help us look into the issue you mentioned especially the tracking. I totally understand if you do not wish to.

    Again, thank you for all the feedback! I'll continue to work to bring this to our team's attention to address.




  10. @A-Jey,

    Thanks for the feedback! The good news is that tracking can be improved through software updates. The bad news was that we didn't meet our customer expectations of tracking quality and I apologize for that. Please stay tuned for ongoing software updates to address this. 


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    • Thanks 1
  11. @Justin Funk

    Thanks for the feedback. Yes, you're correct - our VIVE Cosmos has the largest face gasket compared to our previous headsets which makes it much more comfortable for eye-wear users. 

    Interesting proposal on the modular approach for diff sizes. I'll send it over to our internal team as feedback in case it wasn't on their radar yet. 

    Thanks again for sharing.


  12. Hey @laprid0,

    Thanks for the feedback. I'll forward it to our internal team as a note. I initially had the same issue until I realized I was wearing it wrong (I was putting the halo strap way too low below my crown).

    You can try checking out the user guide on our recommendation on how to best properly put on the headset. This will help minimize light leaks. Hope it helps you. 



  13. Hi @oxygen4004,

    Sorry about the issue you're currently experiencing. Let me help you resolve this. Could you answer / fulfill the requests below:

    1. Could you describe more in details around the Cosmos shutting down?
      • Does the VIVE Console software close itself?
      • What does the Cosmos headset icon on the VIVE Console show when it is shut down?
      • What does the Cosmos headset icon on the SteamVR show when it is shut down?
      • Is the Headset shutting down when you're running a VR experience? Are you able to play through a VR experience with both controllers on?
    2. Please submit an issue report through your VIVE Console. This will collect your logs and be sent to our Engineering team to further review and identify the root cause. Here are the instructions: 
  14. Hi @laprid0,

    Thank you for your detailed feedback. And I'm extremely sorry about the issues you're experiencing! I understand your frustration and here's my response:

    You're totally right that the original VIVE tracking is much more accurate than the Cosmos. That's a fact. It's safe to say any HMD with external tracking sensors (Outside-in tracking) will typically outperform those with built in camera sensors (Inside-out tracking). Then one would ask why even go backwards in progress and do inside-out tracking? Answer is ease of setup / portability. It's one of the most consistent customer feedback/request you'll hear in the industry. Listening to what customers want is key and this was a feat we had to add. Now we know it's far from perfect, but we do have a road-map and have set a clear execution path to continue to push ongoing software updates to the tracking performance. Tracking will only get better from here. 

    Here's our blog post announcement on that promise: https://blog.vive.com/us/2019/10/07/vive-cosmos-continuing-update/

    Here's a recent update upholding our promise: https://blog.vive.com/us/2019/10/18/vive-cosmos-release-notes/

    This statement is in no way justifying your comment though. If you and any other customer are dissatisfied with our product, then that clearly means we need to do a better job. I have broken down your feedback into line items and will share to our internal stakeholders. Please feel free to share any more feedback you may have here or directly in my inbox. Again, we apologize for the issues you're experiencing and we will continue to work to improve the product and customer experience. 


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  15. @Patrik

    Sorry to hear you're still experiencing these issues. I've converted your post to a ticket and will forward internally to identify the root cause of your issues. When you get the chance, can you please submit an issue report through your Vive Console? This will collect your logs and help our engineering team better understand the situation.

    Here are instructions on how to submit an issue report:



  16. @Jean-François Watier - Got your ticket. Thank you!

    @Phr00t - Thanks for the clarification. I'll make sure to pass that along to Engineering team. Please provide us your honest feedback when you do test either in this thread or your Vignette thread. Our SW updates will always be ongoing so we're definitely listening on what we can fix and do better for our customers.

    @lamyipming - Tracking improvements will be part of an ongoing SW update to improve Cosmos and your experience: https://blog.vive.com/us/2019/10/07/vive-cosmos-continuing-update/

    @TomCgcmfc - Thanks for your honest feedback! I've converted it to a ticket to send to Engineering Team to look into.

    The weekend is here! For those that are on Beta 1.0.7, please test it out and share your honest feedback + any issues if encountered here in this thread. We'll monitor and address them to continue to improve your experience.

    Thanks again for all your patience and support! 

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