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Posts posted by stvnxu

  1. Hi @Randonlag,

    Apologies on this issue you experienced. If that's what our support team concluded after going through their process, then please proceed with their instructions. 

    Your report is the first that I've seen on this forum page so I wouldn't have a troubleshoot process to share that's outside of our support team's list. Please return or exchange the headset as soon as possible. If you do swap for another Cosmos unit, let me know how the installation process is. If you continue to still have any issues, then I'll work with you directly to identify the root cause as chances are likely it's not due to a defect on the 2nd attempt. 

    Thank you for sharing. 



  2. Hey @Fink

    Great question - yes Vive Cosmos does support hand and finger tracking. Please keep in mind the SDK is in Early Access mode, and there will be upcoming significant updates to improve the experience. 

    You can learn more and download our hand tracking SDK  here: https://developer.vive.com/resources/knowledgebase/vive-hand-tracking-sdk/

    If you do begin developing with it and have further questions, be sure to check out our Hand Tracking SDK forum group: 




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  3. Hi @ChanGu3,

    Thanks for reaching out and apologies on the issue you're experiencing! My immediate concern here is your graphic cards not meeting the minimum specs of the Cosmos which is a GTX 970:  https://www.vive.com/us/product/vive-cosmos/features/

    This may be the reason you're having issues. The only thing I'm not entirely sure is if that's what's causing the undetectable DP. Make sure the linkbox is turned on by pressing the blue button (green light indicator).

    If you have time, could you download this and share us your result?






  4. Hey @MXR156,

    Thanks for creating this thread and sharing! Sorry about the issue you're experiencing. The IPD knob on the side allows all users to customize the lenses to best match their interpupillary distance (distance between your two eyes). There is a maximum and minimum range this knob can reach.

    It may sound like you reached the range limit, but I find it odd that if you move the headset further then you can see fine on both. That method doesn't bring the lenses closer, but rather it means you were able to better align the position of your eyes to be at the center of the lenses ("sweet spot"). 

    Try seeing if you can play with the fitting of the head mount strap to lock in place the position of where you can see through both fine.

    Here's an article on fitting guide to:


    Hope this works !





    We're sorry about the issue you're currently experiencing. If you find your headset tracking in the game and not your controllers (e.g. they are stuck on the floor), then it's most likely due to controller compatibility. This also applies to your scenario where Cosmos controllers aren't being accurately represented. This means that the developers of the VR title have not directly supported the new Cosmos controllers at the moment. 

    We do have one workaround which is using the custom controller bindings provided by the Steam community.

    1. SteamVR

    2. SteamVR Dashboard (three lines on top left corner)

    3. Devices

    4. Controller Settings

    5. Select game

    6. Select Cosmos controller (make sure your cosmos controllers are on)

    7. Select Community Binding and apply. 

    8. Play

    Let me know if this works out!


  6. 15 hours ago, 原田空来 said:

    先月の下旬に購入したVIVE PRO EYEが、今週の月曜に急にアイトラッキングができなくなってしまいました。キャリブレーションの初期化もできないです。


    Google Translate (Japanese to English):

    The VIVE PRO EYE purchased late last month suddenly lost eye tracking this Monday. The calibration cannot be initialized.

    Until last week, I was able to track my eyes without incident.

    @Jad, @Corvus, @Daniel_Y

  7. Hmm.. The fact it's not a specific controller doing this leads me to think it's your environmental / surrounding factor.

    Try the following:

    - Make sure both your base stations have a green light. Make sure each is in a different channel. B & C

    - You mentioned there are no mirrors already. Make sure you're not also playing in direct sunlight as that also affects the tracking (E.G. Next to a window with sunlight shining directly on your right controller play area)

    - Make sure controllers are charged.

    - Flip your room setup to the opposite direction as you currently have it and try playing the experience. Can you confirm if your right controller is experiencing this issue or will it now be your left controller? This will help us narrow the possible factors in your issue. 

    - If possible, try setting up in another space and see if you're having the same issue. Again, this is to confirm if this is due to an environmental / surrounding issue. 


  8. Utilizando Google Translate, disculpe los errores gramaticales y ortográficos.

    Hay un pequeño botón en la parte posterior de su estación base. Antes de presionarlo, verifique la estación base con la luz verde e identifique qué letra tiene. Si tiene B, entonces quiere que la otra estación base sea C. Si tiene C, entonces quiere que la otra estación base sea B. Ambas estaciones base deben ser canales diferentes y para cambiar el canal es presionar el botón mini en la espalda.

    Avísame si eso funciona.

  9. 17 hours ago, jegra45 said:


    I bought the cosmos on preorder.  I got it.    tryed it in my basement  about once every 2 week but  it was completely unplayable.  I almost puke 5 time. everytime I turned my head it was somehow sluggish headset  lost tracking...  I kept playing on my vive 2016 instead.      on beta 1.07  I was able to play only game that you dont turn your head...    but I kept hope. 

    today I dit few thing differently.   just install beta 1.08.   then I  tried to wrap a piece of paper around each of my light bulb to have a more diffuse lightning.  

    wow   I was able to play for real.  and for the first time I did not regret buying the cosmos.   even if it was a paper weight for to long.  

    I might report again if something go wrong. but I played arizona sunshine for about 30 minute flawlesly   🙂  🙂 🙂 🙂 

    very happy     the update and finding a way to make the light more diffuse was the thing to do.    


    will ferrell yes GIF 

    We love it when our customers are happy! Please do keep us updated if you encounter any issues and we will work to get it resolved in future updates. Feel free to continue sharing the positive feedback! Thanks for your patience and support.

  10. Hey @psychoticbovine,

    Sorry about the issue you're experiencing. I'll help you troubleshoot this.

    First, let's have you submit an issue report. Once your issue report has been submitted, it'll open a Zendesk ticket to communicate with us directly via email. We'll work with you from there to get this resolved.

    Here are instructions on how to submit the issue report. Please make sure your headset is connected and on when you submit. Let me know here in this forum thread when you've submitted it.



  11. On 11/21/2019 at 12:04 PM, Phr00t said:

    I'm worried one of the main problems is the lighting design on the controllers. Oculus and Windows Mixed Reality went with dots, and their tracking is solid. Cosmos went with thick lines with some sharp angles. May be harder to see and differentiate this from backgrounds, especially with variable lighting conditions. This is something that couldn't be solved by software updates. I doubt HTC would admit to this, though, since they'd have to have a path for owners to get replacement controllers.

    It is really a shame, though! The visuals, field of view, audio and comfort on this headset is very good.

    23 hours ago, Dickytwo said:

    @stvnxuwhat is your technical team’s comment on this please? Are we being strung along with no satisfactory tracking solution possible? I would rather just know now if that is the case.

    @Phr00t - Great observation, but I wouldn't quickly conclude that tracking is capped at its current performance due to the lighting designs. There's also the factor of training and improving the algorithms to adjust to the variables at play. 

    @Dickytwo & @Phr00t

    As you've seen, tracking has been improved by previous updates, however, there is still more work needed to be done to meet the customer expectations. Tracking will continue to be the number 1 priority in our ongoing software updates.

    I will note to not have expectations of the inside out tracking outperforming the light houses (VIVE & VIVE Pro). External sensors will always be superior given the position and visibility it has on the headset/controllers. For users that are seeking the absolute best tracking performance, then please stay tuned for more on the Cosmos Steam plate which directly supports light house tracking. 



  12. On 11/21/2019 at 9:05 AM, Phr00t said:

    Any idea on when to expect the next tracking update? My final return window ends on November 27th and I am getting a bit nervous. Although I did have fun during my last round of testing with the Cosmos, my Samsung Odyssey+ still delivers a better experience for hundreds less. The Cosmos could top the Odyssey+ if the Cosmos tracking was acceptable within its much larger tracking volume, but I'm only happy waiting for that update when I know I can get my money back if it doesn't show. I really appreciate all the work you've put into this, and I hope it continues...



    Still waiting to hear back from the team on the schedule. Please know that updates for tracking improvements will continue, and I understand the main concern is a matter of when. 



  13. On 11/20/2019 at 9:01 AM, A-Jey said:


    with this report I also renew my asking for several room setups to be saved in the headset.
    Everytime I change the gaming room
    I got to do the room setup again.
    And now in wintertimes I will often start in living room on daylight and move to gaming room when it's dark.

    So this is usually a pain in the A$$...

    I think this could be managed by having like 3 slots in the headset and the slots are sticked to the computername for example.
    And if a new computer name is recognized an empty slot will be taken for room setup.
    For the case all 3 slots are taken by different computers and another one comes into play then it overwrites the slot with the longest time unused...

    @A-Jey Thanks for the feedback. I'll share with our engineering team. 

    Also confirming I've successfully received your two issue reports. Thanks for the submission.


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