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Choppy Preformance with Wirless Adapter


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In talking to one of your support members on a chat, it occurred to me that my motherboard, while having two PCIe 3.0 slots (PCIE1, which is a 16x/8x dual channel 3.0, and PCIE3, which is an 8x 3.0 linked to PCIE1), does not have two independent PCIe 3.0 slots. When I tested putting my GPU in PCIE1 with the wireless card in PCIE3, the lag was even worse than having the wireless card in PCIE4, a 16x 2.0 slot. After a bit of research, it turns out that if anything is plugged into PCIE3, the motherboard goes into 8x/8x mode because there are only 16 total lanes, which means the wireless card is now eating half the lanes that my GPU would prefer to be using, severely reducing performance.


I think this is the missing piece to the problem, which really should have been caught in testing. More or less, your system requirements are wrong, only users with a motherboard holding at least two completely independent PCIe 3.0 slots can use your device in its current state. I'm really hoping you can fix this if it turns out to indeed be the problem, because I can't afford to upgrade my motherboard (and by extension CPU) to match your requirements at this point, and I truly do not want to have to refund my wireless adapter after waiting for it for so long...


For other users in this thread still suffering the problem, do you have only two 3.0 slots, that share lanes with one another?

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That sound logicly and all evidence points in that direction. You either need a very strong cpu or a pci 3.0 Slot .. Well HTC cant admit it because it would screw over thousends of customers who meet the mininum specs or like me even far exceed them but dont have a i8700 or 2 pci 3.0 slots...

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I’m interested to know how many of these issues are caused by PCIe compatibility issue vs the amount of processing power used in wireless mode. 


I have choppy performance too, but only on titles that generally use a good chunk of the CPU. On my 4790k @ 4.7Ghz, I can run thinks like StramVR Home and Job simulator without problems, with resolution overridden to 100%, using a Vive Pro.  The same settings will cause stuttering in the made room of The Lab and massive stuttering in Nvidia VR Funhouse. 


Looking at CPU utilization, the stuttering is definitely caused by drastically increased CPU usage. 


I have to imagine there are further optimizations HTC can make on the wireless software. This just seems way too inefficient. 


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Hello all,

NO PROBLEMS with the Wireless Adapter here, just thought I'd post my mid-range specs and hopefully it may help out with troubleshooting:


ASRock H97M Pro4 (This board only has 2 PCIe slots, both are x16. Wigig plugged into a PCIe x16 2.0 slot)

Xeon e3-1231 v3

16GB 1333

EVGA 1070 SC


As mentioned above, I've only got 2 PCIe slots. The 1070 is in the primary, the Wigig card is plugged into the only place it can go on my board. The ASRock site shows this as a PCIe x16 2.0 running in 4x mode. 

For additional details, I've made a Reddit post detailing the experience. Good luck I hope y'all get yours working

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I have since not had much chance to test other things, my hopes are that i will be able to very soon. All i will be testing though is is a PCI-E x1 riser cable into the slot covered by my graphics card in hopes that will work and that the riser will fit underneath. Other than that i am out of options my end.

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So is anyone even looking into this anymore? Because I can assure you this is not solved for me, and I haven't heard from anyone since before my last post. At this rate I'm going to just have to refund the wireless. 

I hate to say it, but I have little faith any improvements will be made, other than potentially fixing the AMD specific issues.  I'm hoping to grab a 9900k this weekend, so hopefully that'll give enough horsepower to drive the wireless adapter.

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I was using the PCIe 3 x1 slot above the first GPU PCIe x16 (other 2 are covered by the video cards) and had this same issue.

Plugged it into the bottom PCIe x16 (3rd) slot and issue is gone. 

Core i5 8600K

MSI Krait Gaming Z370

  • 3 x PCIe 3.0 x16 slots
  • 3 x PCIe 3.0 x1 slots

16 gigs GSkillz

EVGA GTX1070 x2 SLi

1K watt P.S.

1 Samsung NVME 

1 Samsung M2 Sata

1 Samsung SSD


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