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Everything posted by HackPerception

  1. @egolikeness Cosmos wired requires a Displayport 1.2+ compatible port because of the resolution of the panels. This is the standard Cosmos variant. The wireless Cosmos is a desktop-only add on that takes an existing Cosmos and makes it wireless via an accessory. That requires a desktop motherboard with an available PCI-E slot. There is no way to get it to work with laptops. As far as I can tell, if using Vive hardware - you'd be limited to the original Vive as that's the only HDMI headset we ever made.
  2. @egolikeness So that'd fortunately run first gen HMDs (Vive, Oculus CV1, first gen WMR) but I'm not seeing any documentation that says that this laptop line has Displayport 1.2+ support or that the USB-ports have Displayport capacity that's driven by the dGPU. You can try running the question by Asus but I unfortunately think you're limited to first gen HDMI-driven headsets with this laptop.
  3. @egocentryczny 505D brings up older models. Which GPU model do you have?
  4. @egocentryczny And when I say "modern HMDs" I mean Pimax, Index, Rift S, ect... None of these can be driven by that laptop line if the spec sheet is accurate. That's a very entry level gaming laptop made for casual games and games like Fortnite.
  5. @egolikeness - Are you in the 1050/1050Ti variant of those laptops. The 1050/1050Ti generally isn't VR compatible at all, let alone with current gen HMDs. The 1050Ti is a notorious edge case with first-gen HDMI driven headsets like the original Vive - it really would depend on the system it was installed upon. That said, it's below the modern minimum requirements of a 1060 for the first generation Vive and would certainly be below the system requirements of the Vive Cosmos which are at minimum a GTX1060 (but ideally higher as that is just the hardware minimum and doesn't factor into account modern VR apps which are getting pretty demanding. There are a number of 505D variants - can't isolate it down further without the full model number. That said I suspect all of these, including the 2060 variant would be incompatible with current gen HMDs as non of them seem to have native Displayport 1.2+ support. If you have the 1050Ti I probably wouldn't even recommend trying a first gen HMD, it's simply about half to about two thirds of the transistor count you need to run VR.
  6. @Yakko - Woah - that's wacky. I've never personally seen a frame timing graph quite that off. SteamVR and the underlying runtime and driver stack tend to not like to sit for too long without being updated. This is true of all VR hardware/software, it likes to update progressively rather than large updates all at once. My first recommendation would be to uninstall everything (SteamVR, wireless adapter software, ect...), download the latest Nvidia graphics driver, during the installation chose advanced and then opt for a "clean installation", and then reinstall SteamVR then test on wired before moving to wireless. Is this happening on all software and not just Beat Saber?
  7. Are you using the same base-stations or are you using 2.0 stations? Tracking performance should be virtually identical on 1.0 stations but 2,0 sensor enabled devices are a tad more sensitive to reflections. There are enough sensors on an HMD that unless your stations are not installed at good angles, there should be more than enough sensors to still derive a pose estimate. I'd recommend trying to capture the event in real time via SteamVR -> Developer -> Webconsole - you should be able to reproduce the event and see the readout in real-time. I'd also recommend checking your webconsole or the logs contained in a SteamVR system report for reflections. You can use the search team "back-facing" to find the lines that relate to reflections. Here's what a reflection looks like in the SteamVR logs or the webconsole. Sun Jun 26 2016 23:02:09.676 - lighthouse: LHR-4E8EF209 H: Dropped 32312 back-facing hits, 2069 non-clustered hits during the previous tracking session
  8. @Helyoos There appears to be a language barrier here - I'm unfortunately not understanding what you're saying here. It sounds like you're talking about basestation channel management - you can manage 2.0 station's channels over bluetooth by going to SteamVR -> Devices -> Bluetooth Settings and first installing and enabling the bluetooth driver. Next you'd go to SteamVR -> Devices -> Basestation Settings -> Manage 2.0 channels, scan for basestations, and then select "automatic configuration" to automatically resolve channel conflicts. If you cannot use bluetooth to manage the settings for whatever reason - there is still a manual button on the basestation. Above the power supply there is a small hole - that is a pinhole button that you can trigger with a paperclip to manually change the channel. When doing this the basestation must be powered on - but you also must be very careful to not move the station around too much while it's spinning otherwise you'll damage and break the station. Just press it once or twice and you'll eliminate the conflict. If you're trying to update the basestation's firmware - I would recommend taking the basestation, plugging in the MicroUSB cable into the station and PC with the station powered off, plugging in the station side power adapter first, then plugging the AC/DC adapter into the wall, and then preforming the update. When done, unplug the AC/DC adapter from the wall first that way you're not touching the station while it's powered on. This will ensure you never touch the stations while they're spinning.
  9. Reminder: This webinar will begin in ~40 minutes from this post.
  10. Adding in here that HDMI->DP/MiniDP converters won't work for any current gen HMD that requires DP1.2+ connectivity i.e. Vive Cosmos, Vive Pro, Valve Index, Rift S, Pimax, Ect... If the HMD requires native Displayport 1.2+ signaling, there is no way around it.
  11. Join live tomorrow April 7th at 10AM PST, for a hands-on coding webinar session as part of HTC's GDC Live Webinar series. Register now: Vive Hand Tracking SDK You can view last weeks GDC Webinar here: – A Step Ahead of the Curve: Using Data Trends to Build a Successful VR Experience. Below is a schedule for the remainder of the sessions For more information on each session, check out the Vive Blog. Tuesday, April 14 @ 10am PT – Working Remotely in VR using Vive Sync Tuesday, April 21 @ 10am PT – Lessons Learned from Marketing 100+VR Games Tuesday, April 28 @ 10am PT – Viveport Developer Console: What’s Coming in 2020 Tuesday, May 5 @ 10am PT – XR Continuum: Merging VR & AR Development Tuesday, May 12 @ 10am PT – What’s the Opportunity in Enterprise?
  12. @Raysangar - Can you please share the following info: Please list your laptop/PC/motherboard make and model USB 3.0 ports are usually blue - are you plugging into a blue port Which SKU of Cosmos are you using (regular Cosmos or Cosmos Elite) Are you using the USB cable that came boxed with your Vive kit? Please open the Vive Console and select "report issue" to send our team logs which are the most direct way for us to see what the issue could possibly be. After reporting the issue, try hitting the "reset headset" button to see if the behavior changes.
  13. @Maijin19, I'd recommend doing the following for your specific case: Screenshot and post the Nvidia Control Panel -> Configure Surround,PhysX This page shows the "port mapping" of which ports are hooked up to which chipsets inside the laptop. In my example below, the USB-C port on my laptop only connects to the much less power Intel dedicated graphics and thus that port is useless for VR. As previously requested - please post screenshots of SteamVR -> DisplayVRView, specifically ones that show the chaperone. We need this info to better understand the situation. I looked up that model number and the top results all say that it that specific SKU is the GTX1050Ti SKU. If that's the case, that's not a VR compatible GPU. It sometimes works on first generation headsets (Vive 1, Rift CV1) but it's a notorious edge case and works on some systems but doesn't work on others others. It would be 100% is unsupported on current generation headsets (Cosmos, Pro, Index, Rift S, ect...) and is below the modern minimum requirements for even the first gen headsets let alone the newer ones. That chipset is a very entry level GPU for casual gaming and less graphically intensive 2D games like Fortnite. If this is the case, you're seeing the displays flipped upside down because your GPU can't "enumerate" the HMD as a valid VR display because it's out of the min requirements. @AlexTheFabDragon Please post the requested info if you can as well.
  14. @Maijin19 But are you specifically using the report issue feature? It sends logs which can be invaluable in trying to understand what's happening.We've only seen a very small handful of reports of this so the sample size is really small and every bit of info can prove helpful. It is a new product after all. Setting a ticket with an agent definitely gets you in our system but doesn't provide any rich information that's useful in diagnostics and they'll most likely ask you to use this feature in the end anyways.
  15. The Cosmos headband is a "halo" style headband - it's supposed to sit on the upper part of your parietal bone. With HMDs I would universally recommend taking the HMD with both hands, sliding it around your facial structure until you find the sweet spot that also results in even pressure around the interface. Next, reach back with one hand while still holding the HMD with the other and adjust the primary strap/band's position and tightness and then lastly adjust the overhead strap being extra careful to not yank it too hard to ruin the seal with the facial interface. It just takes time to figure out what works for each HMD. Having tried on over 100+ types of HMD, I find the method I posted above is the most universal way I've found to quickly get into a sweet spot with an HMD. If it's pulling away from your cheeks at the bottom, the handband is either too low on your parietal or the overhead strap is too tight but facial morphology definitely plays into it considerably as well.
  16. @OliverJackson Per content, some of my personal favorites are HL: Alxy, Google EarthVR, Wave beta, Beat Saber, Walking Dead Saints and Sinners, Boneworks, Museum of Other Realities, SuperhotVR, Welcome to LightFields, and Audio Trip. Oh and Ayahuasca Kosmic Trip - that one is special. That's a good few hundred hours of content - some of that will be available via Viveport Infinity and Google Earth VR is somehow free.
  17. Deluxe audio strap and knuckles are the accessories that will impact your UX the most. DAS is really clutch for ergonomics. We heavily use the SmallRig clamps internally for basestations and I use these as well as a larger one for the stations in my rental property. For the face cushions, we use VRCover PLU replacements on every single one of our shared headsets demo stations (although moving forward, shared headsets is probably a thing of the past internally considering the current circumstance)
  18. @AlexTheFabDragon - I asked around internally and we haven't seen that issue before - that's a new one to us. When you post screenshots, can you please try to post a screenshot that shows the chaperone/boundary in a blank SteamVR environment, I'm really curious where it thinks the floor is. Please also use the Vive console's report issue button to send an issue report to us. Does it happen in a blank SteamVR compositor or does it happen in games as well? After you post screenshots, I'd recommend redoing SteamVR roomsetup to see if that alters the behavior and if it doesn't trying the "reset headset" option in the Vive console.
  19. I'd defer to @C.T. or @stvnxu for that
  20. @davide445 - No, as previously stated - XR plate has a device-specific NDA. I'll let that team know you're interested in the plate but generally speaking, we're primarily working with teams we've established a relationship with over the last few device launches over the years.
  21. @Kiwaso, I reached out to the EU care team and they're advising you to contact them via www.vive.com/support -> contact us -> contact us. The 3-in-1 stock shortage on Vive.com is C19 related but they may be able to find you stock from an internal source. That said, C19 complicates everything dramatically and we'd recommend contacting them as soon as possible - there may be unavoidable delays due to C19.
  22. @goslingdkc - It's a huge misconception - I get it though. People want their expensive devices to work. Valve added a firmware recovery option at the bottom of the basestation tools UI - that's really the only tool that can fix a station on the user side. The majority of issues you may see will be physical issues that require the station to be fixed and re-calibrated by a specialist or replaced outright. I've been working with Vive hardware for 4 years now and have never once tried to self-repair a station beyond the basics. It doesn't make sense to do so - they're calibrated devices.
  23. If you want to know more about how base-stations work, this is an in-depth talk from it's principal inventor and is the most public info about base-stations that exists. If you watch this, you'll know more about how they work than 99% of users.
  24. That's related to 1.0 stations and is a huge point of confusion in the Vive community. In short, when 1.0 basestations were first released, they didn't have any self diagnostics capabilities and could be malfunctioning and shooting out bad data but appear functional to SteamVR (with the user-experience varying by the problem). They released a firmware update that added self diagnostics and people freaked out and thought it was a bad update or Valve/HTC intentionally breaking their stations because the stations would start reporting when they were malfunctioning. One of the inventors of the base-station posted a way to roll back the firmware on the 1.0 stations but it got taken way out of context and he later publicly stated he regretted sharing that due to all of the confusion it caused. With 2.0 stations, I find the out of box tracking to not really be usable without the firmware update. I would recommend plugging the station into your PC via a MicroUSB data cable, plugging in the power adapter to the back of station (without power), then plugging the power adapter into the wall - preforming the update, and then unplugging the station from the wall before unplugging the microUSB. If you do it this way, you'll never move the station while it's spinning since you'll only be touching the station when it isn't supplied power.
  25. @goslingdkc we have a wide array of fulfillment partners. In the US, we ship out of a West Coast fulfillment center in East Rancho Domingue and I think we have an East coast fulfillment center in Indianapolis/Terre Haute but I'm not sure if that's still active. In any case, these are fulfillment centers we contract.
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