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Tony PH Lin

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Everything posted by Tony PH Lin

  1. Here is the FBX file for Vive Focus 3 controller model. You can find two different shapes inside the folder. One with ring, and the other one without ring. Controller Release_210524.zip
  2. Hi @AirMouse, Sorry for the late reply. We did find Lip Tracker can't be recognized if we plug the USB cable in the front-side of PC USB port. Could you have a try to plug in the back-side of PC USB port since the power capability between these two may different? Additionally, you mentioned the USB device reset symptom, do you observe this reset from Device Manager Console? Or could you describe further what's "USB reset"? Also, on your description regarding to "Crash", do you mean SRanipal runtime already started then crash? Thanks.
  3. Hi @Gabriela, Sorry I'm not sure if it's system issue since I can't read your description clearly. Could you rewrite in English if possible? Thanks.
  4. Hi @sapschrott, We just found that installing apk through Unity menu fails occasionally. We suggested that you could install the apk manually. “adb install” wvr_plugins_directpreview_agent_unity.apk located at “ Assets\WaveVR\Platform\Windows .” And we’ll keep working on clarifying this situation.
  5. Hi @Gabriela, The pass through images are the stereoscopic images. The document “Getting Started with SRWorks in Unity” describe how to import the Unity plugin, and the pass through will show up by default in the editor play mode. Let us know if you have further specific questions. Thanks.
  6. Hello @willmcg, Currently there is no such API inside Wave SDK. Thanks for your suggestion, and we do consider this design in our future release. Will keep you posted.
  7. Hi @SocoDev, Suppose you already have read the sample we provide: https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/UnrealPlugin/UnrealTeleport.html In document we provide simple and basic function to demo functionality, since we think most developers may customize teleport movement on their own design. Thanks.
  8. Hi @zws, Here is the path when you download SDK from the server, and you can find the related document for Unreal development. Hope this info. helps. Thanks. SDK-v1.3.3.0.zip\SDK\03_Unreal\Document
  9. Hi All, The latest SRanipal V1.3.2.0 has been released, and please have a test to verify this issue. https://developer.vive.com/resources/vive-sense/sdk/vive-eye-and-facial-tracking-sdk/ Thanks.
  10. Hi @Federica, We think you're using the pupil_position_in_sensor_area and it means the pupil position in the eye image that’s captured by eye tracking camera. If you want to get the gaze coordinates you may consider to use gaze_origin_mm and gaze_direction_normalized and do some coding in Unity 3D space. ViveSR.anipal.Eye.SingleEyeData Struct Reference Public Member Functions bool GetValidity (SingleEyeDataValidity validity) Public Attributes System.UInt64 eye_data_validata_bit_mask Vector3 gaze_origin_mm Vector3 gaze_direction_normalized float pupil_diameter_mm float eye_openness Vector2 pupil_position_in_sensor_area
  11. Hi @Khan Mila, You may try to use the saved static mesh file to do any post-processing by other tools such as MeshLab or Blender. Thanks.
  12. Hi @Realter, Maybe this discussion comment by HackPerception is helpful for you. Thanks.
  13. Hi @GregLux, Which SDK version are you trying? Is it 3.2? Currently in Wave SDK 3.2, we support Direct Preview with legacy plugin. For the XR plugin support, it's under development and will be included in next release. Will keep you posted once we confirm the next release schedule. Thanks.
  14. Hi @xunhaosteam, Thanks for your feedback, and this is for our internal development usage. We will remove this in new updated version. Sorry for make your confusion.
  15. Hi @intranuclear, To modify the WaveVR_InputModuleManager will NOT take effect due to the settings will be overwritten by the WaveVR_Pawn. You just need to do what you did for WaveVR_InputModuleManager on the WaveVR_Pawn. The event button settings are controlled by the WaveVR_Pawn, not WaveVR_InputModuleManager. Thanks.
  16. Hi @kaden, Just revisit your issue, have you got the chance to try the latest SDK and runtime or is the issue still existed on your side? Thanks.
  17. Hi @nbhatia, We have listed recent change notes here: https://developer.vive.com/resources/vive-sense/sdk/vive-eye-tracking-sdk-sranipal/ If you're looking for whole history change log, we will extend in future release version. Thanks.
  18. Hi @xunhaosteam, This is the example for OEM customer usage since they may have system permission for app control if they're implemented the app to doing the record for whole system-wise. In other word, this feature is not applicable for generic content developer. Hope this info. is helpful for you. Thanks.
  19. Hello, Yes. thanks for the report. Kotlin library had been included in wvr_client.aar. And we will remove the dependency of Kotlin related libs so that developers can use the version that they want to use. In short term, you should be able to designate the version by using gradle build to avoid the conflict. Thanks.
  20. Hi @ssid, Thanks for the feedback. Regarding the usage of system events in XR Plugin, you are correct (i.e. System events in XR Plugin are handled through the SystemEvent.cs script) As for example usage, WaveEssence.cs contains some code which shows how to subscribe to and unsubscribe from System Events (on Monobehaviour OnEnable and OnDisable).
  21. Hi Martijn, @pascalvanbeek Thanks for feedback, and we've clarified it's our bug and we will have fix on next release. For short-term if you'd like to make it work, please use API below: https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/WVR_RenderFoveationMode.html Or refer the C# script Wave.Essence.WaveXR_FoveatedRendering Thanks.
  22. Hi @MDV Games, Merry Christmas. Have you received any support and resolved the issue from Viveport support team? Thanks.
  23. Hi @AlGolden, After checking internally, due to legal consideration we only provide video capture from system perspective but not open the API for developers to capture from content level. Thanks.
  24. Hi @AlGolden, If the functionality to trigger from Quick Menu isn't fulfilled your need, let me check the team if we open any related APIs for developers to do similar tasks. Thanks.
  25. Hi @prajaktakhandve, We've received other feedbacks not to reach 120Hz frequency. May I know what's the SRanipal version you start to meet this issue? From or even earlier like or others? Thanks.
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