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Everything posted by VIVE_chengnay

  1. Hi @crdm21, Yes, you are right. You can setup your own target. SceneMeshAnchor PlaneSpatialAnchor To allow developer to get scan mesh result to do whatever they want. That's why we did not add collider initially. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  2. Hi @crdm21, From your screenshot, it looks like you are using 5.6.0-r.10.2? Could you share the console log after you clicked "OK"? Thanks!
  3. Hi @crdm21, There is newer version of Wave SDK available. Feel free to update to the latest one. And, below is the quick patch for adding MeshCollider for your need. I modified the GeneratedSceneMeshContainer.cs file. private GameObject GenerateNewGameObject(SceneMesh sceneMesh) { //Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Add new scene mesh"); GameObject newSceneMeshGO = ScenePerceptionObjectTools.GenerateSceneMesh(scenePerceptionManager, sceneMesh, generatedMeshMaterialWireframe, false, context.GetTrackingOrigin()); if (newSceneMeshGO == null) return null; //Process Mesh For Wireframe rendering MeshFilter generatedSceneMeshFilter = newSceneMeshGO.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); if (generatedSceneMeshFilter && generatedSceneMeshFilter.mesh) { Mesh generatedSceneMeshInstance = generatedSceneMeshFilter.mesh; generatedSceneMeshFilter.mesh = ProcessSceneMeshForWireframe(generatedSceneMeshInstance); // Add below two lines var meshCollider = newSceneMeshGO.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); meshCollider.sharedMesh = generatedSceneMeshInstance; } return newSceneMeshGO; } Let me know if you have questions, thanks! NOTE: I test and verify with Wave SDK 5.6.0-r.10.1.
  4. Hi @crdm21, Could you screenshot what you see in your app? Are you referring to ScenePerceptionDemo(SceneMeshAnchor) sample scene?
  5. Hi @Romain, This issue will be fixed in Wave SDK 6.0 which is scheduled to release in early April. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  6. Hi @Semianimis, May I know is it always the same Vive wand that will jitter?
  7. Hi @p4ckrat @gringo420, The mail system is fixed, but you might need to re-register. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  8. Hi @p4ckrat, The system is down for now. Need to wait until engineer fixed the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  9. Hi @Romain, Regarding the "PoseControl" error is caused by OpenXR 1.6.0 or newer version. Please make sure you uninstall the OpenXR package cleanly. After uninstalled, please go to the menu Edit > Preferences and click "Regenerate project files". If there is still compiled error, use the code below: #if USE_INPUT_SYSTEM_POSE_CONTROL // Scripting Define Symbol added by using OpenXR Plugin 1.6.0. using PoseControl = UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR.PoseControl; #else using PoseControl = UnityEngine.XR.OpenXR.Input.PoseControl; #endif About the controller pose issue after suspend/resume, this is known issue of Unity Input System. So far, we don't have any solution, you need to reboot your controller to recover.
  10. Hi @RMFoley92, Could you try the method in below link?
  11. Hi @gringo420, I know there is "Comments" at the bottom of the htcdev.com website. After you click it, it required you to enter SN or IMEI, then you can proceed from there. Not sure if this helps.
  12. Hi @dilab, You can reference to this script, StoragePermissionManager.cs. https://github.com/icosa-foundation/open-brush/blob/platform/wave/Assets/Scripts/StoragePermissionManager.cs Please note that after you added correctly, you open your app, it will request for permission. If don't see this, then there is problem. For AndroidManifest.xml, please place the file attached to Assets\Plugins\Android folder. Let me know if you have further questions. AndroidManifest.xml
  13. Hi @dilab, 1. I am not sure if you place WaveRig in your scene? If yes, then you can get it by using WaveRig.Instance.transform. But, it should be the same as getting it from Camera.main. 2. I might need to check internally whether DirectPreview supports eyetracking. Like I said before if you would like to output your data, just save them as string then output as csv. UPDATE: 3. For frequency, you can simply collect your data in Update function but in specific time. For example, if you would like to get 60Hz, it will be 0.0167s. So you can calculate the delta time greater than 0.0167s then collect your data. OR You can collect data by frame count, like collect once per 10 frames. To get frame count by Time.frameCount. 4. I am not quite sure about using callback to collect eyetracking data. According to Wave SDK's EyeManager.cs, it is also calling in Update function. I will get back to you when I have any updates. UPDATE: No callback. By looking at the script you provided, so you should be collecting your data when it hits the object?
  14. Hi @ste-phil, No progress so far. Are you sure you are using Cmake 3.10.2? Below is the searched result for cmake, it seems like you're using 3.22.1 instead.
  15. Hi @gringo420, Regarding cannot receive email confirmation from htcdev, it is ongoing by engineer to fix this issue. For your U11 Wifi issue, if reboot or recovery didn't help, then it will consider HW issue. Maybe the Wifi module is dead.
  16. Hi @dilab 1. Tracker manager is the one provided by Wave SDK? If yes, then it is only for tracker not HMD. Alternative method, you can get pos/rot from Camera.main.gameObject.transform instead. 2. For timestamp, you can get from DateTime.Now 3. To save your data as csv, you can collect your data then output as string and save as csv file type. Your data needs to separate by comma(,) for each column. For example, time stamp, eye origin, eye direction, head pos, head rot Hint: You can simply open a csv file by TextEditor and you can see actually the data is just text with , to separate them 4. I will need to check internally, get back to you later UPDATE: There is no way to change the output frequency. Current frequency is >90Hz, if you want to lower it, then you can do it manually.
  17. Hi @EricLu, For the demo, you already used Vive Focus 3 profile and you found out that some buttons not working, am I right?
  18. Hi @ste-phil, For the build variant, do I need to select arm64-v8a? That's weird that I search through the project files and I found out that cmake is using 3.22.1? And, I found no 3.10.2 cmake log history.
  19. Hi @ste-phil, I am still resolving how to build the project. I just upgrade Android Studio to Hedgehog, let you know when I done compiling. It seems to stuck here forever, did I miss any config setup?
  20. Hi @ste-phil, I downloaded the source code and open with Android Studio, but it failed to compile successfully. Do I just select Build>Build Bundle>Build APK?
  21. Hi @ste-phil, Could you provide sample apk or full log for further investigation? It will be better for us to test it on our device.
  22. Hi @EricLu, Someone already reported same issue in below thread.
  23. Hi @UnendlicheMoeglichkeiten, We are testing on this, get back to you ASAP when we have the result. Sorry for the inconvenience. UPDATE: Just to confirm we are talking about the same event. For 1010, it is event that you take off your HMD and not application paused. For 1011, it is event that you put your HMD on and not application resumed. But you previously mentioned that event you got is not related to pausing or stopping the application. What event did you get?
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