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Everything posted by VIVE_chengnay

  1. Hi @fate.hua, Under Project Settings>XR Plug-in Management, go to Windows tab, did you check WaveXR?
  2. Hi @Amir Gharghabi, Does the external camera comes with SDK for development? I am not sure if there is driver ready for Unity to detect your device when it is connected through wireless connection. You can check out the logs after you connected to headset.
  3. Hi @Deyu, Sorry for the late reply. We do have a sample project to demonstrate Eyetracking. https://github.com/ViveSoftware/FaceGym/ Feel free to try this out and ask questions if you have any.
  4. Hi @EricLu, Sorry for the late reply. Have you tried the latest version(5.6.0-r.10.2)? This version should fix the issue but you might still need to manually import the samples from XRSDK.
  5. Hi @EliotR, Sorry for late reply. Currently there is no workaround and the error logs shouldn't cause any problem to your content. Or your content is having issues due to those error logs?
  6. Hi @yl3466, Sorry to reply you late. Could you try deleting the AndroidManifest.xml from C:\Users\YitingLIU\Repos\CA-TS\Library\Bee\Android\Prj\IL2CPP\Gradle\unityLibrary\build\intermediates\library_manifest\debug\AndroidManifest.xml? Then rebuild your project again.
  7. Hi @zjj, Sorry to reply you late. Are you able to see SteamVR Home in your Vive Pro Eye headset?
  8. Hi @GoranW, You mentioned "stock" apps, which one you're referring to? I can take a look and see how I can assist you.
  9. No worries, please try out using your friend's headset and see how it goes. Feel free to ask question if you need help. 🙂
  10. Hi @Thelulucien, How about you try your friend's headset on your old PC? Will it work or still the same? I saw you mentioned about reinstall SteamVR several times, what about uninstall cleanly Steam and reinstall Steam+SteamVR?
  11. Hi @fate.hua, Wave SDK only supports running on Android platform. May I know what's your reason for running on Windows platform?
  12. Hi @GoranW, What image did you see in Library for your app? Unity 2021.3.11f1 should be fine. What about you test with a new project and don't set any Default icon? It should display Unity icon instead. Or could you try deleting the Library folder and recompile again?
  13. Hi @fate.hua, How did you import the Wave SDK? By unitypackage? Did you import XRSDK and Native?
  14. For developing AIO VR apps, you can use VIVE OpenXR Plugin too. For gestures, you can follow below tutorials to create your own custom gestures. https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/unity/tutorials/customhandgesture/
  15. For developing PCVR, you will need to use VIVE OpenXR Plugin. Currently, VBS only supports OpenXR XR_EXT_hand_tracking. For pinch and fist gestures will be mapping to controller's trigger and grip button. For other gestures, you can follow the methods in below script, https://github.com/ViveSoftware/VRS-Studio/blob/main/VRS_Studio/Assets/Scripts/ScissorsPaperRock/ScissorsPaperRock.cs
  16. Hi @Snake Konginchrist, May I know what's your goal? To developer PCVR or AIO app?
  17. Hi @jwatson, You can use below code to get the language and country to differentiate between Spanish (Latin America) and Spanish (Spain). string GetSystemLanguage() { AndroidJavaClass lc = new AndroidJavaClass("java/util/Locale"); AndroidJavaObject dl = lc.CallStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("getDefault"); string language = dl.Call<string>("getLanguage"); string country = dl.Call<string>("getCountry"); return language + "-" + country; } For Spanish (Latin America), you will get es-419.
  18. Hi @Renan Viewport, Not sure if below solution OK for you, It required to install Unity Input System plugin. bool IsUserPresence() { if (ProximitySensor.current != null) { if (!ProximitySensor.current.IsActuated()) InputSystem.EnableDevice(ProximitySensor.current); return ProximitySensor.current.distance.ReadValue() < 1; } return false; } Hi @JulienActiveMe, I forgot to reply your question. Sorry about that and please try the solution.
  19. Hi @GoranW, Could you help to double check what you see after you launch your app? I think what you see would be what should be displayed on VIVE Menu. It should display the app icon that you setup in your Unity project. Go to Project Settings>Player,
  20. Hi @rio_nkwt, Could you check your SteamVR Monitor->Settings->OpenXR, did you switch to OpenXR runtime?
  21. Hi @crdm21, Yes, you are right. You can setup your own target. SceneMeshAnchor PlaneSpatialAnchor To allow developer to get scan mesh result to do whatever they want. That's why we did not add collider initially. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  22. Hi @crdm21, From your screenshot, it looks like you are using 5.6.0-r.10.2? Could you share the console log after you clicked "OK"? Thanks!
  23. Hi @crdm21, There is newer version of Wave SDK available. Feel free to update to the latest one. And, below is the quick patch for adding MeshCollider for your need. I modified the GeneratedSceneMeshContainer.cs file. private GameObject GenerateNewGameObject(SceneMesh sceneMesh) { //Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Add new scene mesh"); GameObject newSceneMeshGO = ScenePerceptionObjectTools.GenerateSceneMesh(scenePerceptionManager, sceneMesh, generatedMeshMaterialWireframe, false, context.GetTrackingOrigin()); if (newSceneMeshGO == null) return null; //Process Mesh For Wireframe rendering MeshFilter generatedSceneMeshFilter = newSceneMeshGO.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); if (generatedSceneMeshFilter && generatedSceneMeshFilter.mesh) { Mesh generatedSceneMeshInstance = generatedSceneMeshFilter.mesh; generatedSceneMeshFilter.mesh = ProcessSceneMeshForWireframe(generatedSceneMeshInstance); // Add below two lines var meshCollider = newSceneMeshGO.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); meshCollider.sharedMesh = generatedSceneMeshInstance; } return newSceneMeshGO; } Let me know if you have questions, thanks! NOTE: I test and verify with Wave SDK 5.6.0-r.10.1.
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