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Everything posted by VIVE_chengnay

  1. For this issue, it is known issue and will be fixed in next release. As for read/write permission to Download folder, I will double check again on my side and get back to you ASAP. For the code that I previously shared, it is located in your app's files(/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/<packagename>/files) directory. Sorry for the inconvenience. UPDATE: Could you try adding android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" in your AndroidManifest.xml? I tried it and it is successfully writing file to /sdcard/Download folder. <application android:icon="@drawable/app_icon" android:label="@string/app_name" android:theme="@style/Theme.WaveVR.Black" android:resizeableActivity="false" android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" tools:replace="android:theme"> <!--You can use your theme here.-->
  2. Hi @JAMESJ, After you launch your app, did you see the popup window asking for permission? If yes, have you tried closing your app and try again? Could you list the version of Wave SDK that you installed in your project? Could you also provide your sample code on how you access the download folder? And, did you add permission to your AndroidManifest.xml?
  3. Hi @Robbert, May I know how did you test Trigger button? Which sample scene did you test on? I created Input Action, but it doesn't seem to work.
  4. Hi @Robbert, Thanks for your information. I will test the script and try to finish the rest. Could you list the version of your SteamVR and plugins that you installed in your project?
  5. Hi @ChrisMa130, We did manage to reproduce the issue on our side. Need to check for the root cause and will update later.
  6. Hi @ChrisMa130, Let me try the setup on my side and get back to you and @Seg_fault_ ASAP.
  7. Hi @Seg_fault_, From your screenshot(SteamVR), wrist trackers are connected. Could you check if Wrist Tracker model is showing in SteamVR skybox(Not SteamVR Home)?
  8. Hi @dahoon, Green means normal mode and which should be working. Could you check device manager if Vive Pro 2 is detected when it is plugged in?
  9. Hi @dahoon, What is the color of the light on your left side of Vive Pro2?
  10. Hi @EliotR, For OnApplicationPause(bool pause), this should be getting the true/false value for pause. You did not get any value change?
  11. Hi @PeteLTS, upm server was down and we got it fixed. Could you try again? Thanks!
  12. Hi @UL_MattFiler, Could you try modify the input action as below screenshot? Change the "First: devicePosition" and "First: deviceRotation" to "LeftHand XR Hand Device". Do the same for XRI RightHand. Let me know if you have further questions, thanks! NOTE: We did verify on Meta Quest 2 and it works fine too.
  13. Currently, we do not provide any modification to the passthrough image.
  14. Did you read this? Sorry, you want to process? You mean modify?
  15. I don't quite get what you mean by controller canvas is backwards? Are you able to provide comparison between using HMD and without HMD? Thanks! One more question regarding pointing left, it looks to me it is pointing to right instead of left.
  16. Hi @williems739, I think you are talking about Open Brush, previously called Tilt Brush. It is open source and in our XR Elite, we did include it in Library.
  17. Hi @_jthiessen, May I know what is the scene you are using to play in Unity? Could I have a copy of that and double check on my side? Thanks!
  18. Hi @_jthiessen, I tried your methods and I didn't see any issue with my controller's orientation. Could you capture video or screenshots? I am using VIU's UGUI sample scene and the orientation of controller in VR shows exactly the same direction as I move/rotate it.
  19. Hi @_jthiessen, How did you setup for Null HMD? Is everything works well for HMD case? Could you list the verions of Unity Editor, Steam VR and plugins that you installed in your project? Thanks!
  20. Hi @painverse, I don't get what do you mean by connect Vive XR Elite to Oculus? You want to connect VR device to another VR device?
  21. Hi @painverse, Did you follow this manual guide? I did not try this glove before, for connection part, you might need to check with SenseGlove support for assistance.
  22. Hi @Anthony V., From the log, it shows that you are unable to download. Could you try to download VIVE Console from Steam?
  23. Hi @tomxp411, May I know why you will need to connect to PC while playing?
  24. Hi @Faryal, To answer your questions, #1: Did you try import below feature? #2: It is working in progress, may release when it is done.
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