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Everything posted by Alex_HTC

  1. @CormacGeorge To the other points: 1) Generally better to use built-in focus point data or raycast The built-in focus point data is generally more accurate than constructing your own raycast using the gaze origin and gaze direction. This is because the focus point data is calculated using a variety of factors, including the user's eye position, head position, and the scene geometry. However, if you need to be able to raycast to a specific location, such as an object that is not in the user's field of view, then you may need to construct your own raycast. This takes into accound ipd and other factors. Constructing your own raycast using the gaze origin and gaze direction might be necessary if you require more control over the specifics of the raycast, or if you want to implement additional logic that isn't covered by the built-in focus point data. For instance, you might want to implement your own raycast if you are designing a system that needs to differentiate between 'active' and 'passive' gaze (i.e., when the user is consciously looking at something vs. just glancing around). 2) Absolute/world vs relative/local The gaze origin and gaze direction values are typically provided in the local space of the VR headset (i.e., relative to the position and orientation of the headset). This means that you will need to transform these values into world space if you want to use them for raycasting in your scene. This transformation is typically done by multiplying the gaze origin and gaze direction by the headset's world transformation matrix. 3) Origin of the raycast The origin of the raycast when using the focus point data is usually a point in the middle of the user's eyes. This is often referred to as the "combined eye", which is a hypothetical single eye located at the midpoint between the two actual eyes. This is used because it simplifies the calculations needed for binocular vision and gaze tracking. There is some more information on our eye tracking tutorial page as well https://hub.vive.com/storage/app/doc/en-us/UnityXR/UnityXREyeTracking.html Let me know if you have any other questions! -Alex
  2. @1099 the android manifest.xml gets regenerated if there is not one already in the project by the build process
  3. @mcbublick Oh, right and you need to make sure to increment the android build number as well and signed with the same key that you used originally (not the debug key!)
  4. hi @Sehaj Robotics and anything that goes "bump" requires precision. Thankfully, our trackers provide a high degree of precision and can be attached to arbitrary surfaces. https://www.vive.com/us/accessory/tracker3/ Controlling the robot would be a different domain and perhaps you could reach out to some of our partners in the space for suggestions and/or potential licensing https://business.vive.com/us/isv/partners/ There are also open source projects dedicated to this purpose, and you can investigate these yourself - some options/starting points https://github.com/mortaas/vive_rrcc https://github.com/nmadapan/Baxter-VR https://github.com/knorth55/eus_vive Or the suite of tools here https://github.com/topics/vive-controller I'm sure some our partners these forums as well, and I'm excited to hear what you come up with! -Alex
  5. Make sure that the android package name hasn't changed and also that there are elements fro the controller and minwave version <application> section (\n to separate lines) <meta-data android:name="com.htc.vr.content.NumDoFHmd" android:value="6DoF"/> \n <meta-data android:name="com.htc.vr.content.NumDoFController" android:value="6DoF"/> \n <meta-data android:name="com.htc.vr.content.NumController" android:value="2"/> \n <meta-data android:name="minWaveSDKVersion" android:value="1" /> as specified here
  6. Try this repo: https://github.com/ViveDeveloperRelations/XR-Interaction-Toolkit-Examples The issue is that you need to add the focus3 profile and disable other profiles and openxr loaders. The current openxr spec allows for non-standardized loaders. We use the standard open source loader, but other vendors do not, so you must disable other ones before building as well.
  7. @TyrensVis it is available as a part of our latest update here https://developer.vive.com/resources/openxr/openxr-mobile/download/latest/
  8. @Saif @且试天下 If you could submit a lbgcat log, it would help greatly Usually problems fixed by switching to mono from il2cpp are related to code stripping that happens. https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ManagedCodeStripping.html . This especially impacts code triggered by user input using the unity UI, since it uses reflection to run the code, and the managed code stripper frequently strips away code needed for those. For example, if I am showing a meshcollider and modifying it in code after a user clicks the buttons, the apis i'm calling look like they're unused to the unity compiler, so i have to add the MeshCollider class or assembly to my link.xml to prevent it from getting stripped. So let's take this example (without a full logcat it's a little difficult, so there will be some guesses here )- The implicit conversion operator from PoseControl to another class named PoseControl could get stripped since it doesn't look like it gets used, and this error is thrown. A full logcat would verify this since there may be other errors around. Adding the PoseControl class and it's assembly along with the wave xr assemblies to the link.xml would likely fix this. That said, I can confirm and escalate this with a repro project and/or logcat logs. Thanks for the report!
  9. Right clicking the ini files in the driver unzip is what shows the option to install the driver Some newer users have reported not needing it, but I know i did the first time i saw things work, so your milage may vary The vbs method relies on steamvr
  10. @dynameis twIt looks like youtube is filtering the videos under the hood and we don't have an immediate solution for it. Longer term I'm actively working on a solution, and I'll keep my eyes open for other solutions as well. We tend to run into issues where websites are filtering based on device incorrectly and those issues take a little longer to resolve. if the browser gets the right stream, then we do play it.
  11. @Ring Use the right-click context menu on the files to install them in windows, like other driver files. This will help with the usb workflow Also - the vive_rrClicent is installed as part of the workflow, and if you don't see it, likely adb isn't on your environment path, and when you pressed the button it didnt' work. That said, it's my understanding we're quickly transitioning to using VBS as a front-end to this instead of that apk, so when testing newer sdks, I typically select 'use vive streaming' option in the headset after connecting the usb cable.
  12. @Ring Based on your description, I suspect that some example code that calls PassthroughOverlay is running in your previous scene. Look for example monobehaviours (like our passthrough example code) that may be calling that by default.
  13. Which version of unity are you using? There were a few versions that had issues with xr compatibility. To be precise, the dependencies of the version of unity had issues
  14. android adb is not in your path, you'll need to add the location to your PATH variable and reboot
  15. @psychicvrlabIt looks like there is an issue in 2022, it's been reported at this point @Tony PH Lin may have more information
  16. @Hextaku Phone mirroring - In the settings find the 'use passthrough in home environemnt" or somethign similar and enable that and you should have it enabled afaik Browser - It is being worked on
  17. @小生666 in native projects, a typical location in the project (before building the app) For example in the hellovr project: wave_5.2.0_native\samples\wvr_native_hellovr\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml For your project, it looks like the android manifest has some invalid entries, so before building make sure to compare your android manifest to the "wvr_native_hellovr" example I would also suggest verifying that the "wvr_native_hellovr" app works for you to rule out any other potential environmental issues
  18. @小生666 I just ran hellovr in 5.2.0 native successfully. Try looking at the AndroidManifest.xml file This error message is indicating that there is a problem with inflating a TextView in the XML file of your Android application. You can also try copying the AndroidManifest.xml from hello_vr example. After fixing the error in the android manifest, make sure to clean and rebuild the project
  19. @jcm01 Can you try with a more recent 2022, there may be bugs in an early version like that. Also try the planeanchor scene as the scenemesh work is due to be released shortly, so there may be issues with that scene
  20. @eddylai It is my understanding from previous betas that it will work
  21. @m0rgan Kan3@Siv Dev Here are some steps you can try to fix the "210 The compositor was disconnected" error on your Vive Pro 2 VR headset: Restart your computer and your VR headset: Sometimes simply restarting your computer and VR headset can fix the issue. Check the connections: Make sure that all the cables connecting the headset to your computer are properly plugged in and secure. Update your graphics card drivers: Check if your graphics card drivers are up-to-date. You can download and install the latest drivers from the manufacturer's website. Disable USB power saving: Go to the Device Manager in Windows, find the USB ports that the Vive Pro 2 is connected to, and disable the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" option. Disable power management for SteamVR: Right-click on the SteamVR icon in your system tray, select "Settings," and then uncheck the "Put Base Stations in Standby Mode when VR is Not in Use" and "Enable Power Management" options. Reinstall Vive Console and SteamVR: If none of the above steps work, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling both the Vive Console and SteamVR. If none of these steps work, you can try reaching out to the Vive Pro 2 support team for further assistance here https://contact.vive.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  22. @jcm01We build apps with 2022 as well Does the problem happen in the sample project linked? I'll re-run the example to be sure but we have not had a problem with wave in 2022 except for some older and non-lts unity builds.
  23. @Lacota Always nice to hear about progress. Thanks for the feedback, it's always helpful. Please continue to reach out -- we're glad to help!
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