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Tony PH Lin

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Everything posted by Tony PH Lin

  1. Hi Sir, You could refer to our document session for detail info. https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/zh-tw/UnityXR/UnityXRDirectPreview.html In addition, we need to collect more info. for further analysis. Please PM me if you have info. concern, thanks. 1) PC windows version 2) Unity version 3) WaveSDK version 4) Graphic card no. 5) Provide us the log files on C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Unity\Editor 6) Connect via USB or WIFI 7) Make sure HMD and PC connect the same WIFI domain
  2. Hi @Fangh, We recommend you to use below Unity script API as more formal way on Focus 3. https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/XR.CommonUsages-userPresence.html As "OnApplicationPause" or "OnApplicationFocus", these may vary depends on the design behavior and not 100% equal to user taking off / putting back the headset. Thanks.
  3. Hi @RoosterPrincess, After internal testing and verification, we narrowed down the crash happened every time at the line “InLayerDesc.HasShape<FCylinderLayer>()”, which is a struct method provided by Unreal Engine. Though we don't confirm the root cause from the UE engine, we try to have workaround for function access and under verification. Should provide the hot-fix UE plugin on the website soon. Thanks.
  4. Sample code by using Essence API: using Wave.Essence; var controller_r = WXRDevice.GetRoleDevice(XR_Device.Right); if (controller_r.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.isTracked, out bool value)) string rightControllerInfo = controller_r.name + " is tracked."; If you used the InputDevices.GetDevices, you have to check the characteristic of left/right/head devices. Sample code by using UnityEngine.XR: /// <summary> Wave Head Mounted Device Characteristics </summary> const InputDeviceCharacteristics kHMDCharacteristics = ( InputDeviceCharacteristics.HeadMounted | InputDeviceCharacteristics.Camera | InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice ); /// <summary> Wave Left Controller Characteristics </summary> const InputDeviceCharacteristics kControllerLeftCharacteristics = ( InputDeviceCharacteristics.Left | InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice | InputDeviceCharacteristics.Controller | InputDeviceCharacteristics.HeldInHand ); /// <summary> Wave Right Controller Characteristics </summary> const InputDeviceCharacteristics kControllerRightCharacteristics = ( InputDeviceCharacteristics.Right | InputDeviceCharacteristics.TrackedDevice | InputDeviceCharacteristics.Controller | InputDeviceCharacteristics.HeldInHand var inputDevices = new List<UnityEngine.XR.InputDevice>(); InputDevices.GetDevices(inputDevices); foreach (UnityEngine.XR.InputDevice id in inputDevices) bool isRight = id.characteristics.Equals(kControllerRightCharacteristics);
  5. @Corvus could you provide some Viveport update here?
  6. The vive/home button on the right controller is reserved for Focus 3 system usage, so we tend not to open for content development. Thanks.
  7. Hi, In Wave Essence: You can use Wave.Essence; WXRDevice.SendHapticImpulse(device, amplitude, duration); In Unity XR: You can use UnityEngine.XR; <InputDevice>.SendHapticImpulse(0, amplitude, duration); Thanks.
  8. Hello, @JennyKIM, It seems that the crash originates from Unity native libraries. 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : Version '2019.4.18f1c1 (6ddd89a99571)', Build type 'Release', Scripting Backend 'mono', CPU 'armeabi-v7a' 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : Build fingerprint: 'HTC/kona/kona:10/QKQ1.210319.001/2557:user/release-keys' 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : Revision: '0' 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : ABI: 'arm' 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : Timestamp: 2021-09-01 18:50:47+0800 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : pid: 24050, tid: 24085, name: UnityMain >>> com.dengxianxr.cosmos <<< 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : uid: 10213 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : Cause: null pointer dereference 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : r0 bd7b3c00 r1 003fffe9 r2 00000001 r3 003fffdc 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : r4 00000000 r5 00000000 r6 00000010 r7 00003a00 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : r8 00003947 r9 e5624260 r10 00003957 r11 00001d10 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : ip 000000ff sp ba7e8cd0 lr badabcb9 pc bb46f45a 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : backtrace: 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : #00 pc 0096445a /data/app/com.dengxianxr.cosmos-d7VdFRBttU6lXG1U342T5w==/lib/arm/libunity.so 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : #01 pc 002a0cb5 /data/app/com.dengxianxr.cosmos-d7VdFRBttU6lXG1U342T5w==/lib/arm/libunity.so 09-01 18:50:47.154 24050 24085 E CRASH : #02 pc 0029d4e5 /data/app/com.dengxianxr.cosmos-d7VdFRBttU6lXG1U342T5w==/lib/arm/libunity.so Another finding is that, right before the crash stack, there is this line: 09-01 18:50:46.834 24050 24080 W VRWatchDog: SUBMIT-TIMEOUT WARNING: 1161 ms Which might suggest the application was frozen before it crashed. However, as suggested at the beginning, the crash stack originates from Unity native libraries which means that it is pretty much impossible for us to find the root cause of this crash.
  9. I think you are mentioning analog grip button. Currently, VBS BETA supports SteamVR skeleton as Cosmos. It supports analog trigger button, but not for grip button. Understand what you mean for finger movement animation based on the analog finger data. May we know if you also use this analog finger data for actions in game?
  10. Hi @ShadowBrain, Controller skeleton data is supported in VBS 1.04. You could switch to VBS BETA to try it via Console -> Settings -> Advanced -> Beta program. Thanks.
  11. Hi @BathBall, Maybe you could find useful info. from this discussion thread.
  12. There are two suggestions 1. For Direct Preview, please make sure wvr_plugins_directpreview.dll has loaded successfully. 1). Try to move the project to somewhere that the path did not include black. (For instance, “Unreal Plugin” include a blank). 2). Open the Unreal editor, then check the log to see if wvr_plugins_directpreview.dll found. The log will show “WVRDllLoader: Load wvr_plugins_directpreview.dll success.” in log if load successfully. The following is the failed case. LogWindows: Failed to load '../../../../../../Users/Heath/Documents/Unreal Projects/SDK400/Plugins/WaveVR/Source/WVR/lib/Win64/wvr_plugins_directpreview.dll' (GetLastError=126) LogWindows: File '../../../../../../Users/Heath/Documents/Unreal Projects/SDK400/Plugins/WaveVR/Source/WVR/lib/Win64/wvr_plugins_directpreview.dll' does not exist WVRDllLoader: Failed to load wvr_plugins_directpreview.dll 2. Please replace the NDK version r23 with r21. And here comes the Android settings for reference.
  13. Not yet in current version. Will put this support needs into consideration. Thanks.
  14. Hi @jwatson, May we clarify if you use USB or WIFI for Direct Preview? If it's under USB, then it's non issue. In addition, may we know if your environment is Unity 2020 and do you enable URP? Thanks.
  15. Hi @DrewPruett, You mentioned that we do not calibrate the eye tracker, is that meaning you don't run our calibration app before your use case? In our requirement, the calibration app needs to be run before use or change to different people to minimize the deviation. Could you check that first? Thanks.
  16. Hi @Vulkan, We'd like to contact with you for detail discussion and support. However I'm not sure why I cannot reach you via PM and also the mail box you register. Could you send me with your mail again via PM? Thanks.
  17. Hi @aseton, As you mention it's still a preview version, and there is also Unity Input System existed before. Could you elaborate more what's advantage you decide to choose? This can help us to prioritize the support importance. Thanks.
  18. Hi, You can refer another post to enable the hand tracking on Focus 3 with Wave SDK. Thanks.
  19. Hi, Thanks for reporting this issue. Currently we also have similar symptom on our side, and it's under investigation. We would recommend you to use Unity 2020 LTS instead first before we have further solution. Thanks.
  20. Hi @Knase, 4x4 is the default range of play arena if you never complete VRS RoomSetup, so we recommend you to finish the process then access the API. Furthermore, call WVR_GetArena will only return the inner maximum rectangle by user defined play area. Please be noted to use the latest SDK 4.1.0 with the ROM version (after 114) to have this function enable. Thanks.
  21. Hi, I receive some suggestions from content submission support. Maybe you can try using the example manifest from here which has some other differences: https://forum.vive.com/topic/6959-wave-android-manifest-guide/ Thanks.
  22. Hi @DjOxvear, Thanks for clarifying this issue and report with us. Just take here as a reference to share if more developers have encountered similar issue so they can get the answer right away. We have fixed this Occlusion Separation Sphere issue inside our plugin from 4.0.0 hot fix (R39). Thanks.
  23. Hi, The value in EyeData struct contains wide + openness GetEyeOpenness is only openness, so that's the difference. Thanks.
  24. Yes, please be noted to install adb.exe in the root directory so the command can be executed succesfully. Thanks.
  25. Vive Wave SDK Starting from 4.1.0, Wave SDK officially support hand tracking interaction on Vive focus 3 for content creation. You can find detail instruction below to enable the Hand Tracking. Welcome to join the new adventure of future VR. More documentations to Getting Started for Unity Developer: https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/UnityXR/UnityXRHand.html More documentations to Getting Started for Unreal Developer: https://hub.vive.com/storage/docs/en-us/UnrealPlugin/UnrealHand.html How to enable hand tracking In “Connectivity” page of VRS 2.0 setting, switch “Enable Hand Tracking” to ON, Manually restart the device is a must Launch hand tracking supported content , put aside the controllers on a stable surface. hand will show up after put hand in front of camera. Vive Wave SDK 4.1.0 is available at https://developer.vive.com/resources/vive-wave/sdk/ Vive Wave SDK 4.1.0 supports limited access to the camera texture API. ROM Version Information You can have Hand Tracking effective based on ROM Version 2.0.999.114/3.0.999.116 and after.
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